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It didn't take long for us to start our way to the Crystal Kingdom. Robin had saddled up the horses before breakfast. I was thankful that the town offered to provide two more horses for Citune and Ettia. I couldn't tell if they were happier about being rid of the hoard of monsters or Ettia.

Even as we strapped our bags to the horses, Ettia and Ialdir made a point to send each other glares. I have no clue what their problem was, but I wasn't about to get involved. I didn't feel ready for another month-long nap.

The threads of life hummed gently in my pants pocket. I could feel the vibrations through the thick fabric. With the Crystal Kingdom being far north, we were provided with thicker clothing. I wasn't complaining. I had always liked warmth. The only heat I complain about is that from The Boiling Desert, mostly because it's Ira induced.

Once we left the town, Tholnia decided to share some good news. "Citune and I were looking over some books last night, and we think there might be a way to give you a bit of your godly magic back."

The fallen immortals all perked up and provided her with their full attention. Citune looked ready to laugh. "You know how the power source was destroyed? It was made of crystals. Magic crystals."

"We know this," Ialdir sighed. "Every God or Goddess knows where their power comes from."

"Be quiet and listen to her," Citune replied, her tone sharp and commanding.

"Thank you," Tholnia responded. "As I was saying, these crystals were destroyed. But what if the shards still held some power? Do you think you could use them?"

"It wouldn't be enough to grant immortality," Ettia said. "But it might be enough to make us less vulnerable. I, for one, would enjoy not being helpless."

"Where would we even find these things? Didn't Dzuame get rid of them?" Nyx questioned.

"I don't think so," Citune told him. "If he had, the gods would simply cease to exist. He wants us to be tortured with our existence. There will be pieces of them left. There has to be."

"Any hope right now is good," Robin said. "We can keep an eye out for these crystals."

"They won't just be lying anywhere," Tholnia told her. "We think that Dzuame has gifted them to his more loyal followers as a way to show his trust."

I found their conversation to be rather dull. The stones did me no good. I glanced back at Nyx. He held the horse's, Licorice, reins in one hand. The other held the invitation letter.

"Everything okay? You've been staring at that thing for hours," I said.

He looked up, and for a second, I swore his eyes were a golden yellow. But it was gone as quick as it came. "I just can't shake the feeling that something is wrong."

"It's all going to be alright," I assured. "You and Tholnia will get into the party and get information while we do the dirty work. There's no need to get hurt." I couldn't tell if I meant physically or mentally.

"I have to talk to my sister. Someone's getting hurt," he replied coldly. The steely cruelty that slipped into Nyx's voice when he spoke about his family did not suit him. Then again, I've seen the things that man can do with a spear.

I don't know how he did it. I knew gods who could flip on a dime, but I also knew the gods had multiple personalities based on history. Mortals like Nyx always confused me. I could never tell exactly what he was thinking. For all I know, he hated everyone in the group and was just a very good actor.

"Well, I hope it's not you," I responded, cursing myself for letting an awkward silence settle. "And, for the record, if you need anything, you can ask me. I won't tell Robin."

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