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When I woke up the next morning, I was relieved not to have a heavy weight on my chest. The next thing I noticed was that Nyx was gone. The only other person in the room was sitting cross-legged on the second bed, squinting down at a pamphlet for the inn. Their shiny blue hair reflected the sun into my eyes.

"Mornin' Voal," I grumbled, shielding my eyes from their shiny hair. "Where the hell is Nyx and Shards?"

They smiled at something they read and gave a wave towards the balcony. I was shocked that Nyx was awake before me. He normally wasn't a morning person.

Throwing the blankets off me, I walked towards the glass door. The floor was uncomfortably cold under my feet. White sheer curtains obscured my view of the outside.

"Nyx?" I said, sliding the door open with much force. Why are all these doors difficult to open? Only a loud snore from Shards answered.

Myx was bundled up in a blanket, Shards half on top of him, snoring away. I could only imagine how long he'd been outside. With winter setting in, it wasn't a good idea to be out in the cold.

"Shards," I said quietly. She provided the desired response as she jumped up. Nyx groaned from under her. She jumped down, earning more groaning from him, and he sat up to glare properly at me. "Morning Sunshine."

"You're an asshole," he groaned. He pulled the blanket over his head in an attempt to go back to sleep.

"You love me," I joked. "Now come on. We should get ready before Robin is in here yelling at us again."

He mumbled something I couldn't understand, but nonetheless, he got up. As he stretched, Shards walked back into the room, letting out a low growl. Glancing back inside, I struggled to contain my laughter as I watched Voal scramble to get onto the bed. They hissed at the creature on the floor, which was not threatening in the slightest.

"Have you met Voaldin yet?" I asked Nyx as he cracked his neck. His eyes were still droopy with sleep, his hair still in his face, a faint smile on his lips. He always looked cute in the mornings like this, though I never voiced this thought. Hell, I hardly ever let myself even dwell on such thoughts. It was... well, it was rather unlike me to consider one's physical appearance other than the basic recognizable traits.

"No, I didn't see anyone when I came out here," he told me. Then, he tried, and as always, failed to sweep his hair from his eyes.

"They're hard to miss," I joked. Between the bubbly personality and the shiney bright blue hair, I couldn't tell what made them stand out more.

We ventured back in, where Shards was still growling at Voaldin. The aforementioned Titan was pressed into a corner, watching her with intense eyes. The red of their eyes was brought out more in this moment. For a flash, they looked older, grey hair, and hardened brown eyes. This had happened before. In the next instant, it was gone, like always.

"What the hell was that?" Nyx asked me quietly.

"That happens sometimes. They are the Titan of Prophecy, so sometimes the future gets funny with them," I explained.

"What does prophecy have to do with the future?"

"Without prophecies and foretelling, there would be no future, and thus the world would fall apart," Voal explained, their eyes never leaving Shards.

"And what's the problem with Shards and Shredder?" Nyx inquired, walking over to them and kneeling to pet Shards' head. She purred and leaned into his touch but never looked away from Voaldin.

"I hate Skioques," Voaldin said deeply. This time, the brief flash made them look young, with dark blue hair and deep red eyes. I hadn't seen them like that before. But for that slight moment, they were a scared little kid.

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