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The second Nyx was gone, I sat at the foot of the nearest bed and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath, and it came again; that pounding on my skull that only ever meant I was wanted in The Heavenly Realm.

My suspicions were confirmed when I opened my eyes and was met with Saren. "Thanks for not just taking me on the spot," I told them.

"Don't thank me yet." I decided not to question that and got up. Although it did me little good, I brushed off some of the soot from my pants.

When I looked around, I was surprised to see just how many people were there; Saren, Hyzotz, Voaldin, Xesus, Uris, and nearly a dozen others I didn't recognize. The only noticeable one missing was Dzuame.

"You look like shit," Hyzotz commented upon seeing me. I gave a grumble of sarcastic gratitude, and I sat in the only remaining spot.

Before anyone started talking, I felt a heavy weight against my upper back and warm breath tickling my ears. My eye was nearly skewered with an antler as I glanced back. "Hey, Shards," I said as the Skioque nuzzled unto my lap. Shredder took to resting on my shoulder as if they were trying to create a shield around me.

"So, what's going on?" I asked. The Titans glanced around nervously. I'd never seen any immortal this nervous, let alone a group this big. "Where's Dzuame?"

"That's the issue," Saren told me. They were probably the only one who didn't look ready to die on the spot. "We don't know. They disappeared last night. Didn't tell anyone where they were going, didn't leave any kind of note, just vanished."

"What the fuck? What do you mean they vanished? How do you lose a Titan?" I asked. It came off a bit ruder than intended, but I was genuinely confused.

"They said they needed to do something and never came back," Hyzotz said.

"Are you sure they didn't just lose track of time? Immortals are famous for that," I responded. I glanced at my watch, happy to see how slowly it was moving.

"Something is wrong," Uarin stated, glaring at me like they thought I had something to do with it. Guess that's what happens when you're the Titan of Hatred.

"There has been a rupture in the Hall of Night," Voaldin said, shooting a glare at the other. "Dzuame is the only one who can get in or out of the hall. We think something happened, and they were somehow forced to open it."

"The Hall of Night being...?"

"Where the old gods are being held. They were originally destroyed, but as you know, nothing immortal can dei," Saren explained.

"Like that Keerkrio guy? I thought you said Dzuame was the only one who could get in or out," I responded.

"That's what we thought, but he had his ways of getting out." Some Titan I didn't recognize walked through the group carrying something. It looked like a wad of fabric. "This is an invisibility cloak. He used it to get around unnoticed."

"Ulixity, meet Nonlan, the Titan of Messages. That is, from when we were in power," Saren introduced. Nonlan bowed his head slightly and handed the cloak to me.

The only indication that it was even there was the slight silver shine it gave off. When I laid a single layer on my hand, I sat staring at the ground, my hand completely gone.

"He used it to spy on us and learn about you," Nonlan told me. "You are in grave danger, Ulixity."

"Why would I be in danger? This guy's doesn't even know me," I said.

"Keerkrio serves our mother," Xesus said. "She, as well as all her little slaves, or I guess they perfer minions, have a certain hatred reserved in their hearts for people of... impure bloodlines. People like you. Halflings."

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