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I couldn't decide if the shop or restaurant was better. While Lary and her cooking reminded me of my mother if she had a good personality and could cook, so not so much like my mother, but still, I could never deny a good sweet. I had a hunch Thavon had something to do with that, but I was still appreciative of Nyx acting on it.

"So we can get anything?" I asked him. Upon seeing the hundreds on sweets, from candy to pastries, I was instantly ready to ransack the place.

"Withing reason. You can't eat her out of house and home," Nyx replied. "I just plan on grabbing some seasoning and maybe a few things for Tholnia."

"I'm going to look around. This place is so cool!" I told him. I dashed off to explore more of this place.

I was disappointed that not all of the floors were glass, but the ones in the shop were. A bunch of trophies and awards hung around the room. There were only two other people in the shop when I walked in.

The air was heavy with a sweet smell, a mix of all the different things in the room. Two of the walls were occupied by a bakery and seating area. The other two had shelves and storage for a large assortment of different things. It was strange being in a place so normal.

Back in The Heavenly Realm, any kind of shop, which there was only a few, sold extremely hard to come by items. Simple things like spices and sweets weren't sold. People were expected to make them themselves. Sure, you could find magically enchanted weapons made by Thedall herself, or even small godstones. But not this.

I had never had a reason to go into a mortal shop before, as none of it had ever applied to me. But now that I was in here, it was a whole new world opened up, and it was amazing.

Instead of taking a long time and deciding on certain things, I decided just to grab something small of everything. Was it responsible? Not really. But that has never stopped me before!

I somehow managed to fit everything in two bags. I didn't want many more because I would have to carry them around all day, and it was only noon.

Once I was done raiding the place, I needed to remember to apologize to Lary, I searched around for Nyx. I felt a tad bad about running off and abandoning him. I found him near the front with a single bag, talking to the two people I'd seen before.

"Hello," I greeted as I walked up. I took note that one was a lot more dressed up than the other.

"Hey," Nyx said through gritted teeth. His face was bright red as well. I wondered what these people did to piss him off so much.

"You must be Fiamma," the fancy dressed one said, reaching out a hand.

"Yes, I am," I told him hesitantly.

"I'm Prince Alastor," he replied with a broad smile. "And this is my fiancé, Prince Liriko of The Roaring Islands. It's an absolute pleasure to meet you."

Alastor looked surprisingly like Nyx for only being cousins. He had the same green eyes. His hair was brown, but still everywhere, although his looked more like a choice than the inability to fix it.

Liriko was slightly taller than him and sporting fisherman garments, a blue plaid shirt, and tan cargo shorts. He had striking blue eyes that almost glowed, though not like the whole Nyx/Thavon glowing. His long, dirty blonde hair was tied back in a bun with light freckles on his face.

And now I was confused because not too long ago, Nyx said he had a pretty decent relationship with Alastor. Now he looked ready to murder him. "The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness."

"Please, any," he glanced towards Nyx, "friend of Nyx, is a friend of mine. Call me Al."

Nyx was breathing heavily, as if he was trying to find the best way to get away with murdering the heir to the throne. "Oh, well, Al, I am quite sorry about all the commotion last night. Is everyone alright?"

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