Forever 3

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On a scale from one to ten, one being would not recommend, and ten being I loved it, I would rate waking up to a screaming immortal in your head a solid negative seven. But hey, we don't always get what we want.

Get your lazy ass up! We could be in danger.

There were many things I could say in retort. Most were rather unfriendly as I did not appreciate being woken up so early. Instead, I opted for what was least likely to get me yelled at more. "What's wrong?" I asked him, slowly dragging myself out of bed. I hated how sluggish I felt in the mornings, but multiple people had made me promise to sleep more.

I can sense Titan magic. It's close. Very close. There could be a Titan here.

That got me moving a bit faster. I switched my ring to a small dagger and tucked it away in a sheath and walked out slowly.

Almost everyone was sitting at the table like normal. Ialdir and Fiamma were still asleep on the couch. A tense feeling hung in the air, even if the others were talking rather cheerfully. Something was wrong.

It's coming from Ialdir. He reeks of Titan magic.

"Hey, how's Ialdir doing?" I asked. Everyone's attention was suddenly turned to me. Most of them looked confused, some angry.

"He's perfect," Robin said in a deadpan.

"Don't you mean perfectly fine?" I questioned, walking over to him. He had a blanket covering everything except his face.

"No, I don't." Robin walked over and showed me exactly what she meant. His shoulder, which just last night was blown apart and bloody, was perfectly fine. Not a single mark remained.


"We're not quite sure. But we're trying to find out. We were mainly waiting on Fiamma to wake up, but he was up pretty late last night, so it could be a while.

Looking at Fiamma from here, I could tell he wasn't actually asleep. Why he was trying to avoid us, I wasn't sure. But I'd pretended to be asleep enough to recognize it myself. I decided not to point this out to Robin.

He knows something.

I only remembered at the last second to not speak out loud. What do you mean? How can you be so sure?

I could hear him sighing. Fiamma is half Titan. It's probably his magic. Although, I didn't know he could heal people.

Thavon didn't explain that kick to the fucking head. To just be told that you're traveling with a half-titan is normally something that should be explained. But no, Thavon couldn't take a minute to do that, but he can take an hour going over why Aksus was a better leader than King Begnas.

He's half Titan?

Yeah, I thought I told you.

No! No, you did not. Didn't you think that was important?

He made a sound like he was shrugging, and I tried not to let our a frustrated sigh as Robin ushered me to the kitchen. Everyone was gathered around the table, glancing towards Ialdir and Fiamma every few seconds. It was rather annoying.

"So, what are we going to do now?" I asked. Everyone looked around, expecting someone else to answer. After a few minutes of silence, Citune sighed loudly and rubbed her temples.

"All we can do is wait for Fiamma. If he doesn't know anything... I'm not quite sure. Ialdir would probably be nice as well. But Fiamma was right last night. We need to rest for a little bit and get our bearings."

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