Chapter Two

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I walked up the steps of my house, I only live with my mom, my dad sadly died a year ago I miss him so much so now it has been me and my mom. I had helped my mom out with the house by getting a part time job at the milkshake shaker where alot of peole go in the summer to get milkshakes even Emma, Jasmine and I.

"Mom, I'm home!" I called out putting my keys down on the table and took my shoes off walking into the kitchen where mom is cooking, she was humming to the music playing as she turn around and looked at me with her grey eyes that I got her eyes from.

"Hey sweetpea! How was school?" Mom asked while she was carrying on making dinner, which looks like we are have pasta tonight.

"It was so good! Oh Mrs Johnson asked me if I want to be in book club she is doing this summer!" I said as Mom turn back to me with eyes wide and a excited smile appear on her face.

"Well? What did you say!?" Mom asked already getting excited to hear my answer.

"I said yes!" I said as Mom jumped up and down while bring me into her hug. My mom has always been so supported with my choices I made. Ever since I told her I want to write my own books she had never stop supporting me since that day.

"I'm so proud of you Dani, you follow your dreams" Mom said to me brushing my hair back.

"Thanks Mom, and it's every Wednesday I'm going" I told mom while she brush my hair out of my face.

"Oh Dani, you are a big dreamer" Mom said, I chuckle what she said as Mom smiled showing her white teeth off.

"You told me to follow my dreams, now look where I'm going" I said then Mom and I both chuckle at what I said as I sit down on the kitchen tile.

Mom when back to cooking as I was drinking some water, while kicking legs about.

"So summer you and girls got plans?" Mom asked turning the oven down and turn around to face me.

"Yeap. This summer is going to be the best, we are going to have so much fun!" I said as Mom smiled at me.

"I know but don't have too much fun, last time I had fun like that I ended up getting drugged" Mom said as I nodded understanding her. Mom at the time she did have fun when she was my age and she still fun but she warns me about all the drugs going around and people fucking each other. I have always been careful when mom raise me.

"You know I'm always careful Mom" I said which she smiled at me, her smile is so calm and sweet and it fills with light when I see her smile all the time but last year was hard for us to even smile through the past year we spent.

"Why don't you change, I'm just about to plate up" Mom suggest for me, I jumped down after I agree with her and walked to my room carrying my bag for today.

The walk to my room was short it's not a big house with live in and it is more like a appartment to me. It's just so small and cosy to me. I love my home as much as I love the people around in my life. 

I open the door to my room with a sigh and enter my room. My walls was painted in a grey and red theme colour while my bed sheets where black with white squares prined onto them. To my small desk I had books pile up, well I have reading books all around my room and I have my laptop sit on my desk with my book I'm typing still open. To my window I have hanging up grey curtins that nearly can look through and last I have my lamp that sits near my side desk near my bed.

I plop my bag down on my made bed and open up my wardrobe doors to wear something comfy. I quickly scan through my wardrode of the thousand clothes I have in there, then I quickly pull out a pair of blue joggers and a grey hoddie to put on, I can not bother to put a top on under my hoddie so I just put the joggers and hoddie on. I'm only at home, I don't need to go anywhere tonight and I really perfer to stay home.

After I got dress I pulled my long blonde hair into a messy bun, once I tied it up I exist my room heading back into the kitchen where I smell the pasta already dish up and set at the table.

I walked into the room where Mom just put our dinner down on the table then turn and look up at me with a surprise look that I seem to scared her.

"Oh I was just about to call for you" Mom said as I chuckle giving her a grin.

"Guess I beat you to it" I said then we sat down at the table and start to eat. It was kind of quiet for a moment as none of us spoke, when Dad was alive he was always the first to start a conversation between us all.

"How's the book going?" Mom asked me I look up at my plate and look into her eyes.

"It's going okay I'm still writing the begin of the story" I told her about the book I'm writing, not trying to spoil it much if my book get's published I would love for her to read it and see what she thinks of it.

"I'm sure you will think of it. You are a really talented girl Danielle" Mom told me reaching for my hand and give it a squeeze. I smiled at her then carry on eating.

After I finish eating I when back to my room, as I sat on my bed I when onto my laptop, if I want to fall fill my dreams I have to work on it. Then all of the sudden I start to type not be able to stop as words flow.

Mom is right that I am taleted and I need to show them out there what my writing is like to get what I want in life.

Summer I Feel For HimWhere stories live. Discover now