Chapter Five

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It is now dark now outside. I had just said goodbye to Emma and Jasmine and now I am walking home. After seeing that rude boy I told myself to forget about him and think him as he does not exsit in the Bay. Even when it is now night time the temputer has not really drop only a little bit but I am quiet warm being in this weather.

With Emma, Jasmine and I we had a lot of fun today. We talked and eat and had a laugh with each other and we even made more plans to do more stuff this summer. But whatever that happens this year could not stop me from having fun and a good time with my friends. 

While I carry on walking I had this real weird pit in my gut like someone was following. Of course alot of us girls get followed whenever we go but it just feels like I am or it could be me just being nauseas about something. I mean there is nothing to be nauseas about it is summer and it is my time to feel free.

I quickly turn around but found no one following me, I shake my head and carry on walking. I was right it is just me. I am always careful walking home at night and nothing has happened to me through the years.

Once I turn the corner to my road I walk quickly to my house in case there was someone following me and I got my keys out and when inside my house. As I shut my door loud enough the house would of shake, I let a shaky sigh leave my lips.

"Danielle is that you?" Mom asked while being in the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's me" I said ploping my bag down making my way into the kitchen to see Mom made some blueberry muphins. I title my head ato the side wondering why is Mom baking. 

"Hey Mom?" I said well more like a question. Mom look at me with a smile while she wash her hands.

"Dani, how was the day with the girls?" Mom asked me while I look at her curriously.

"Fine, great. Um, Mom what are you doing?" I asked watching her put the muphins in a small tube.

"I made blueberry muphins to give for our new neighbours. I though it would be a nice gift for them" Mom said as I sigh closing my eyes for sec.

"Are you sure that is enough? It looks like you made tweenty muphins?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"The more the marrier they all say. Now go and take them over and give them a welcome for me" Mom handing me the box with muphins in them. I sigh to myself then shake my head.

"Fine" I said as I turn around to leave the house for a moment.

I still can't believe Mom is making me do this, I just want to have the best summer life and not to be welcoming new neighbours. I don't know why Mom can't go over there and do it herself. Why does it have to be me do it?

All I want is to be in my room reading books and zooming out from the world until tomorrow comes a new day. Do I look like a deliever person?

As I walked up the stairs I see a BMW car parked there next to a Porch sports car. It looks like I seen that kind of car before, but I can't seem to put my fingure on it. Like I seen it today or something.

I shake that feeling off me while I knock on the door of the new house they move in. I wait for a while looking behind me then I turn back to face the glass door and I look to see him opening the door. What the hell?

"You" I said once he open the door hearing him chuckle at my answer as I stood on the spot.

"Me again" He said with a smirk on he's face I can feel heat quickly rush to my face but I brush it off with a shake of my head.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked as my eyebrows turn into frown. I hear him let a chuckle out think it is really funny. I raise a brow at him to explain.

"I live here" He answer like it was the only answer in the world. Now it is my turn to laugh as I let a chuckle out.

"You. Live here" I said narrowing my eyes.

"Yes I do" He said crossing he's arms over he's chest trying to make him look buff. Ooooh scary!

"Now what are you doing here, princess?" He asked as I let a cough out at the pet name he called me. 

"Don't call me that!" I said nearly in a whisper voice.

"Okay princess what are you doing here?" He asked with a smug look on he's face. He really wants to get under my skin don't he.

"Do you not listen to what I said!" I said to him before he can answer I hear another person coming towards the door.

"Sweetie let the poor girl alone" She said pushing him away and out of my view thank god.

"Sorry about that!" She said with a smile on.

"Oh it's fine" I said with a smile on my face.

"I'm Mrs Hills but you can call me Katie" She said ready to shake my hand.

"Danielle, it's nice to meet you" I said shaking her hand.

"What do you have there?" Katie asked me towards the box.

"Oh my Mom baked this as a welcome gift to welcome you to the neighbourhood" I said showing my white teeth off.

"How sweet. Tell her I said thank you" Katie said taking them from my grasp.

"I will do" I said shaking my head.

"And I apologize for son again, he is always like that" Katie said to me as I look in her blue eyes.

"I understand. Have nice night Katie" I told her about to walk away.

"And you too" Katie said I smile at her walking back home as she shut the glass door behind.

Well at least he's Mom is not rude like he is but at least I did not see him long enough.

But the only thing is now, is that he is my neighbour!

Summer I Feel For HimWhere stories live. Discover now