Chapter Seven

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As the morning sun came I was already dress and ready, I walked into the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee for myself. I was surprise that Mom is not up yet, she does work hard so she does need some rest for all the hard work she does for us. I've been helping Mom out, I work every Sunday at the Milkshake shaker so I've helped Mom with the money and I've payed her when I do get pay. 

I was sat down at the breakfast table while I sip on my coffee I was scrolling through my instagram acount. Liking post and commenting on them. I see Emma post about our day yesterday, that made me smile. Then I notice I have a friend request for myself. I click on the box to see the rude boy has found my instagram acount. I rolled my eyes, of couse he will want to try and make my life miserable but I am not falling for he's games.

I ignore it and put my phone away as Mom enter the kitchen as I finish my coffee off. I smiled as Mom kiss my head while she walk to the coffee machine looking tired from working too much.

"Mom let me cook you breakfast for once" I told her while standing up walking up to her and help her pour her cup of coffee.

"No you don't have to sweetpea and your meeting the girls today" Mom said while I rolled my eyes at her stubbornness.

"Mom, I want to. And you work so hard let me cook breakfast for you" I said as Mom sigh giving up as she when to sit down.

After Dad died it was hard for both Mom and I with the house and the money, I have been helping Mom out as much as I can but I wish I could have someone else to help us a friend or even a family member that lives far away from us.

Once I finish cooking I place the plates on the table, I cook Mom, some bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and sausage. Just like Dad would of done, he love cooking he use to alway put music on and dance around cooking that would nearly burn the house down.

"Oh, Dani, you are such a sweet!" Mom said starting to eat as I giggle at her answer.

"Anything for you, Mom" I told her with a bright smile on my face.

"So what are you and girls doing today?" Mom asked giving a grin. I laugh at Mom's face expreshion she send me.

"We are going shopping, there is new swimming wear they just brought in at the mall, better get before anyone else does" I said as Mom chuckle have a sip out of her coffee.

"Always get there early before all the good stuff goes" Mom said as I nodded agreeing with her.

Once breakfast was over I had a text from Emma saying they are in Jasmine car waiting for me outside, I smiled at the text and left it on read while grabing my bag for today, while I put my shoes on.

"Mom, I'm leaving now!" I told her giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you too" Mom said with a smile as I pick my keys up and I pick my sunglasses up as well, while I leave my house.

"Say you took you time" Emma said lowing her sunglasses down to her nose. I chuckle at her answer.

"Let's get this shopping spread on the road" I said hopping into the car as Jasmine had roof down for this hot weather for us. I was the only one sitting at the back which I don't mind, at least I'll have the space.

"Do you think will see that hot guy again from yesterday?" Emma asked as Jasmine start to drive to the mall.

"Emma!" Jasmine and I said as the same time.

"Ugh fine" Emma said then cross her arms while I chuckle at her attiude. Emma is always going to be like this and nothing can change the way she is.

"So I'm going to find the sexist swimming wear there is" Emma said pulling her red hair to one side.

"Didn't you say it last year?" Jasmine asked as I put a grin on my face.

"And the year before that?" I said as Emma groan.

"Ugh shut up. I know I will find the one" Emma said while I laugh inside and I sure Jasmine is laughting inside as well.

Jasmine put the music on while stop at the lights. Even when the sun is out it is sure bright at this time of year for us. I even think I might get a bit of a tane by sitting at the back. Oh Emma will be so jealous that she would wish to sit at back with me or get us switch seats.

As soon as Jasmine pulled up in the mall car park we all got out of the car, streaching are backs and feet out. Emma then brush out her hair with her hands as we start to walk to the mall doors.

"Well this is going to be fun!" Emma said dragging the word fun out while Jasmine hummed in replied while I let a little giggle out.

"Remember Em, don't spend it all in one shop there is thousands of shops" I told her while I look at Jasmine who I swore she chuckle lightly at what I said, knowing Emma might not listen to me like last time we when shopping together.

"I know that girl" Emma said as we enter the mall. We see a few people shopping but not a lot as it is already early hours for all us.

"Come on!" Emma said linking my arm and dragging me which I nearly fell while Jasmine was laughting while shaking her head. Why is always me she has to drag away?

Well at least it good to run into shops without bumping into someone. I know this will be fun.

And I have a good feeling no one will be in are way, when we see them.

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