Trouble in Paradise

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We had been on a run to refill the rigs with gas and what not. I liked these runs where we could just chill and wait. Apparently everyone had to refill so we were just waiting.

Me, Ashido, Hanta, Katsuki, and Kirishima had been sitting together. And Kiridhima will not take his eyes off me.

I pushed it aside for the moment and just listened to the music. It was actually one of my favorite songs. 'We belong together,' by Mariah Carey. I don't listen to her but this song just always made me happy.

I snorted as Ashido finally spoke, "Denki since when did you like Mariah Carey?" I smirked looking at him. "I don't, I just like this song." I said bring my knees up to my chest.

I looked at Katsuki just to see him looking at me "What weirdo?" He asked, "Me weird? Your starring at me!" I said rolling my eyes.

He scoffed "roll em again." He smirked sitting back putting his hands in his pockets.

I felt my face heat up, yeah I like his smirk. Real bad. I rolled my eyes once again. He nodded. "I got you later." He said, I nodded. Hanta rolled his eyes at the playfulness and Ashido just laughed.

We finally refilled the rigs and went back to the fire house. I sat down and was about to watch tv with Hanta until katsuki called me.

"Hey Sparky, come to the laundry room real quick." He said peaking his head in and then going to the laundry room.

I nodded and got up and went to the laundry room. When I opened the door he told me to shut it.

I was a bit nervous but I was alright. "What is it?" I said leaning against the wall. He sighed and sat up on a counter.

"It's about you and these eye rolls."  I felt my face heat up. "Oh?" I questioned. He nodded and motioned for me to come over to him.

When I got in front of him he grabbed my neck gently pulling me close and leaning down to my ear.

"I told you to stop rolling em right?" He whispered. I shrugged, "I dunno you might have to refresh my memory," I was grabbing the collar of his shirt.

He smirked and leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and he switched the positions.

So I was sitting on the dry and he was in between my legs with his hands on my waist. I began fumbling with the buttons on his shirt.

Until the fucking bells rang.

Ambulance 4, child down unknown causes.

We pulled away quickly and I groaned, "fucking cockblocks!" He mumbled and got down katsuki chuckled as I rushed out.

Me and Mina soon found each other and got in the rig. She was driving and I hit the sirens. We sped and when we finally got there.

"Holy shit." I said the kid was just handing from a rope with knives jabbed all in his body.

"Hey kid can you hear me," a minuet passed and he opened his eyes " me." He gasped out.

I quickly cut the rope down and caught him. We rushed him to the hospital.

As we were driving back it was quiet. "That call was..I dunno." She said her voice cracking.

I felt tears flowing in my eyes. "It's traumatizing dude." I said wiping my face as she parked and we got out.

"I'm still shaken from it, how could someone do that to a child." She said tears dropping.

"It was so harsh. I just.." I trialed off before Aizawa came and hugged us.

"I'm giving you guys 2 weeks off to cope, reach out to a therapist if you have to. I understand if traumatic that could of been." He said we both nodded.

We walked back in the fire house to get our things when Kirishima approached me.

"Hey Denki, I heard about the call. You doing okay?" He said hugging me. It felt..weird and awkward.

I nodded until I heard someone clear their voice I turned to see katsuki. I felt more tears overflow my eyes as I hugged him and he hugged me right.

"I know denks. We can talk if you need to. Tell me how your feeling baby." He whispered stroking my hair. I nodded.

"Later." I said pulling away he nodded and when I looked back at Kirishima he was livid.

I ignored it and went to Ashido who was talking to Hanta while getting her stuff. I grabbed my stuff and then hugged her.

Later that night Katsuki got home and came into our room. "Where Amaya?" He said. I sniffed blowing my nose. "She's at my moms." He nodded and sat down next to me.

I laid my head in his lap and he stroked my hair gently. "How are you feeling baby?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Kinda numb. I just. I dunno." I said he sighed and leaned down and kissed me. "You wanna watch tangled?" He said I smiled and nodded.

I sung every song and watching the movie. I felt calm and at ease.

I really didn't know how to feel, I felt numb, and lost. But katsuki just made me feel so much better.

But of course one thing that still won't leave my mind is...why was Kirishima so mad?

Word count- 911.

AN- This chapter was inspired by Malachichi4 .

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