Time Away

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So of course, as I expected, I was forced to take time off of work. Which I wasn't complaining about. I needed the break, I was mentally exhausted and hurt.

I was making breakfast for Amaya while she was in the living room watching Spongebob. She said she wanted pancakes and eggs so that's what I was cooking.

"You want syrup?" I asked as I cut up the strawberries and bananas. "Yes," she said and I nodded.

I stacked her two pancakes on top of each other put the fruit on the side and then drizzled syrup on her pancakes. Then I put her eggs on and drizzled syrup on those.

I poured her a cup of Apple juice and then gave her her plate. She took it and sat down to eat. "Thanks,"

I nod and sit down next to her on the couch. For a ten-year-old Amaya was extremely mature.

"I'm gonna do your hair after this, then it's off to school." she nods as she finishes her last couple of bites.

After that, she got up washed her dish, and put it away.

She went and got the hair stuff, her leave-in conditioner, (Bella curls but for shampoo and conditioner we used cream of nature) she got her edge control, her loc n jam, and her hair ties.

She handed everything to me and sat down on my lap. I took the leave-in conditioner put in a generous amount and rubbed it through her hair. After I brushed it out and then parted her hair, I gave her a middle part and began to slick her hair down with the Loc n jam. I brushed it down and pulled it back into a ponytail, and then grabbed her edge brush and laid her edges down.

Amaya was a beautiful black girl, and her hair texture was far different from mine, but Ashido gave me tips, and I am extremely careful about what I put in her hair.

After I was done she took everything and went to get dressed, after she was done I grabbed my keys and left with her.

I drove until we got to the school, I went to the parking lot and looked back "Alright, I'll see you later, Grandma's gonna get you after school, I've gotta go shopping okay?" she nodded as she grabbed her book bag, "Want anything from the grocery store?" she nods "Pineapple Spears," I nod "alright, see you later," she smiles and kisses my cheek "Love you," I smile "Love you too,"

She got out of the car and I drove off, now to Sam's Club. It's huge and tiring to walk around but it has everything I need.

As I got there I walked in and got everything I needed to get then I headed over to Walmart to get stuff for the house.

As I wrapped it up and headed home it had already been 3:43.

When I for home I put all the food away and cleaned everything, hung up new things I got, put down new rugs for the rooms changed sheets and blankets, and put the old ones in the wash.

I washed clothes and put them in their respective rooms.

By the time I was done, I was exhausted, I checked the time and it was 7:56. Katsuki would be home soon.

I yawned and decided to shower, after I was done I put on these blue and white pajama pants and just stayed shirtless.

I brushed my teeth and flossed and then used my mouthwash and tongue scraper. After that, I used my lip brush and brushed my lips then put chapstick on.

After that, I dried my hair with the blow dryer and tied it back into a ponytail.

Amaya was most likely staying over at my mom's tonight.

I yawned as I got a blanket sat down on the couch watched TV and relaxed. About 20 minutes later the door opened and shut as I heard some locks turn.

I looked up and saw Katsuki coming in, he looked rough. He had smoked on his face he had a bruise on his arm overall he looked exhausted.

"Welcome home Lucy," I said playfully he rolled his eyes and leaned down and kissed me, in return, and kissed him back.

"What happened to you," I said he groaned "The roof collapsed in," I winced as he got up "You cooking?" he asked "I can if you want, I went grocery shopping today," he hummed and nodded, "You look exhausted," he said as I got up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I rested my hands on his chest as he leaned in leaving gentle kisses on my neck.

"Mhm..I am," I said and he hummed leaning in closer to my neck. "I'm gonna shower, then I'll cook yeah?" I rubbed his back "You sure?" he nodded. "You've been walking and cleaning all day, leave dinner to me."

I smiled and nodded as we pulled away he walked to the bathroom.

He showered and I lay on the couch waiting for him, when he finally came out he was shirtless with a pair of black sweatpants on.

He came out of the bathroom and over to me grabbed my neck and made me look up, finally, I could see his face.

And those red eyes...

Made me weak in my knees every time, no matter how many times we sat here staring at each other, I would always look away first.

I shied out and looked away and he smirked and chuckled letting go of my neck. "So shy," he said teasingly as he walked into the kitchen and I followed behind him.

"Oh please," I yawned "I'm not that shy," I mumbled and he looked at me as he looked in the deep freezer.

"Burgers?" he asked and I nodded quickly, he took the ground beef out and stuck it in the microwave to unthaw.

We both walked back to the kitchen and he sat on the couch and pulled me down to his lap.

I had already been watching Shameless when he came home and I've been watching it since.

I got comfortable on his lap and pulled the blanket over us. He held me by my waist and I rested my head against his chest as we watched TV.

After a while the microwave went off and Katsukigr back up to go cook.

After a while, he made our plates and cleaned the kitchen.

After we ate he washed the dishes and cut all the lights off while I lay in bed waiting for him.

When he finally came to bed he walked into our room and shut the door behind him.

He laid down next to me and got under the blanket. He wrapped his arms around me and I yawned finally able to go to sleep.

I cuddled into him and began to drift off as we both held each other and fell asleep.

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