Chapter 5

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I uncoiled myself and laid myself flat on the ground and turned back into my human form. My hair and lower body returned to normal and any examiners that were near me watched in either awe or disgust as the serpent shedded its skin which allowed me to be free.

"Thank you for your assistance, Kiyohime, you served me well." I thanked her which allowed her to leave my body. She bowed and disappeared into steam.

I deactivated my quirk and walked out of the arena, ready to go home. Completely forgetting about that purple haired boy.

It was a very bad idea for me to walk away. Recovery girl was giving free gummies out to the participants.

'I missed free gummies...'

I then proceeded to throw a fit like a toddler in my room because I didn't get those free gummies.

After I recovered from the backstabbing bit- I mean...once I stopped rolling around on the floor acting as if my life was ending, I made some instant ramen and ate it whilst thinking about the entrance exam.

'I wonder if Izuku got in...should I predict how well he did..?'

I finished my ramen and put the bowl on the side.

'I have a procrastination problem but I will fix it later...'

I walked up to my room and unlocked my phone and opened up mine and Izuku's messages.

"Hey Zuzu. I just got back home but I'm not sure if you are home yet. I did ok in the exam. I think. Kiyohime helped me destroy a lot of robots. Wby? How well do you think you did?"

I reread the message and deemed it as acceptable to send to Izuku. I sent the message and saw that he received it but hasn't opened it yet.

I sighed and crawled into bed to have a well deserved night of sleep.

I woke up and decided to continue with my training.

I knew the areas I was best at and the areas in which I still have room for improvement.

I started my warm ups which consisted of some basic running laps, push ups, sit ups, stretches and other basic activities.

Then I proceeded to train my hand-to-hand combat as it was my weakest area. I knew this as I relied heavily on my quirk and should the time come where I am unable to speak, therefore not able to activate my quirk, I would not be able to defend myself.

I trained with a dummy and had one of my old school friends, who specialized in martial arts, train with me. They won most of the rounds we did but nevertheless I did learn new moves.

However, much to my bad luck, urgent news came to my friend and they had to leave. I wasn't that close with them but I didn't really care for anybody but myself and Izuku.

I spent the next 3 hours practicing all of the moves that my new friend had taught me and I am now resting inside whilst drinking an energy drink and eating a quick snack.

'I should probably train my strength as well...that could come in handy with combat...'

With that being said, I took off to the shops to buy equipment to help me train and strengthen my muscles.

The journey was long as not a lot of shops sold weightlifting equipment.

Yes, I did consider buying the equipment from the internet but shipping took a while and I need to get stronger as soon as possible.

'I do not want other students getting ahead of me...'

I hit up the 5th shop for the night; hoping that it sold the equipment I so desired.

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