1. Lost

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(this is just a short part the next chapters are gonna be longer but this is just a bit of back story of what happened)

you and a group of school friends decide to go walk trough the forrest becuase youre bored, after some time of walking you decide to play hide and seek and everyone agrees. one of your friends starts counting and you run away to search for a hiding spot, you find a hiding spot and you hide. 

(a few hours later)

you're still hiding, you cant hear any of your friends and its starting to get dark outside, so you decide to get out of your hiding spot and you walk trough the forrest to find the way to your house, after 30 minutes of walking in what seems to be the right direction you see a light. you run to the place where the light is coming from. end up in a neighborhood, youre standing between a store and a post office you decide to check if the store is still open.

-Please read the part below this

(please know that my first language isnt english and that i can make some spelling mistakes  and that i dont always have time to be writting the story becuase i have school and if i dont have school then i dont really much use my computer so i mostly writte during school also if you have any questions feel free to ask under this will be a bit more info about me)

name creator : Jane 

age: i dont want to tell but im older than 10 and younger than 18

hobbys : i like to make art and writte and im also learning to crochet

- the creator / Jane

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