3. E. Dear

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you are standing inbetween howdy's place and a post office infront of you is a big red house you decide to approach the red house and you start to get the feeling that youre being watched. and then someone runs into you, and you fall over ¨im sorry, i didnt mean to run into you¨ the person says, you look at the person who ran into you and the person looks like he is the mail man ,he looks at you ¨are you alright?¨he asks while he waits for you to answer ¨im fine¨you say ¨you're probably new here im Eddie Dear¨ Eddie says ¨im Y/N¨ you say Eddie helps you get up and then he starts picking up the letters and boxes that he dropped you help Eddie pickup the letters and boxes. ¨Y/N could you maby help deliver the mail?¨he asks you nod and eddie gives you two boxes and a few letters ¨those are all for Howdy you can bring them to his store¨ Eddie points at Howdy's place ¨and after youre done you can wait by my post office¨ he says 

you nod and you bring the 2 boxes and letters to howdy's place ¨Hey Y/N¨ howdy says as you walk into his store ¨hi howdy i have these boxes and letters for you¨you say howdy walks to you ¨thanks Y/N¨ howdy says as you give him the boxes and letters. then you leave howdy's place and you go to Eddie's post office.

enter the post office and you decide to sit down on one of the chairs, after about 15 minutes you get up and you decide to look around the room. you walk to the desk the desk is covered in papers, you also notice a collectors book filled with stamps. then eddie walks into the post office and he sees you standing by his desk ¨i wave a question¨Eddie says ¨whats your question?¨you answer, eddie approaches you before he asks his question ¨where are you from? and how did you get here?¨Eddie asks ¨well im from [your town/vilage] and i dont really know how i got here...i got lost in the forrest and then i decided to go home but then i got lost and i saw a light and i went to the light and so i ended up here¨you say ¨thats...interesting¨Eddie answers

someone walks into the post office ¨hey frank¨Eddie says ¨hey Eddie who is this?¨frank asks while he looks at you ¨thats Y/N¨Eddie answers. Frank approaches you. ¨hello Y/N im Frank¨ he says ¨hi frank¨ you reply

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