2. Howdy's place

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you open the door and you enter the store there you see a tall (7-8 ft tall) caterpillar he has 4 arms and 4 legs and he has a name tag on his chest that says 'Howdy'  you decide to approach Howdy ¨hello sir¨ you say ¨hello, is there something that i can help you with?¨ He asks ¨yes i got lost in the forrest and i ended up here, and i would like to know where i am¨you say           ¨you're in the neighborhood¨ he answers ¨also do you know how to get to [you tell him your home adress] ?¨ you ask, howdy thinks for a moment before answering your question ¨no i dont know how to get there but if you want to you can stay here for tonight and then maybe the others know where  [your home adress] is, also im howdy whats your name?¨ he answers  ¨im Y/N¨ you answer, howdy grabs a few pillows and a blanket and he gives them to you ¨follow me to the storage room thats where you can sleep tonight also i dont have a matress for you so you have to do it with those pillows and that blanket¨ howdy says as he walks to the storage room 

you lay the pillows down in a way that you can lie ontop of them, you lie down on the pillows its not confortable but atleast im not lying on the floor. you stare at the celing while thinking that this must be some sort of strange dream becuase it had to be a dream and tomorrow you'll wake up lying in your own bed or somwhere in the forrest

(you wake up the next morning)

you're still in howdy his shop. you dont understand why you're still at howdy his shop, you decide to get up and to leave the storage room. you see howdy placing new items on the shelves and you are hungry so you go to howdy, he sees you  ¨good morning Y/N¨howdy says                ¨im hungry¨ you say ¨you can grab a apple over there¨ howdy says and he points at a shelf thats filled with different fruits. you walk to the shelf vith the fruits and you grab a shiney red apple you check the apple and you notice a a bitemark appear on the apple but you havent taken a bite of it.

you go to howdy and you tell him that something invisible took a bite out of the apple while you where holding it, you notice that looks at the windows of his store probably trying to find wathever just took a bite of your apple. ¨howdy? do you know what took a bite of my apple?¨you ask howdy nods ¨Wally took a bite of your apple¨he answers ¨who is wally?¨you ask ¨wally is one of the neighbours here ,he lives in the house thats in the middle of the neighborhood¨ he answers

(after an hour you decide leave howdy's place and you look around the neighborhood)

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