8 night time

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after a few hours of talking to frank about insects and animals you go back to howdy's place becuase its getting dark , you open the store door and  you enter the store . once youre inside the store howdy locks the door and he closes the store for the night. ¨ Y/N youre late also try not to make much noises becuase cate is already sleeping in her room ¨ howdy says ¨im sorry for being late¨ you say and you walk to the storage room and you see a big beanbag and some more pillows and blankets. you decide to lay down on the bean bag and you try to fall asleep.

after a few hours of you trying to sleep but not actually falling asleep you decide to get up and sneak out of the store to walk around the neigbourhood for a while.but you have to find a way to get the store keys but you know that howdy has them laying on his nightstand in his bedroom.

you open the door that leads to howdy's bedroom and you find a small halway in that halway there are 3 doors ,a backdoor and 2 bedroom doors  you know that the 2 doors are bedrooms becuase there are names written on the doors one door has the name ¨cate¨ on it and the other one has the name ¨howdy¨ on it

you decide to first check if the backdoor is unlocked and its locked then you decide to see if howdy's room is unlocked and it is, so you open howdy's bedroom door and you sneak in, in howdy his bedroom you see howdy sleeping on a king sized bed you also see a big closet that is locked with a child proof lock you think for a moment about the reason that the closet could be locked and you think that cate could have something to do with it becuase cate is a moth caterpillar. then you realize that you are getting off track and you sneak to howdy's nightstand and you grab the keys, there are alot of keys but you decide to try one of the big keys on the backdoor and it doesnt work becuase its too big then you try one of the smaller keys and it fits but it wont turn the lock, and then you try another key and it unlocks the door.

you go outside and you look around the now dark neigbourhood, all the colours are faded and dark it looks nothing like the brightly coloured neigborhood that it was just a few hours ago it is also not warm outside anymore. then you hear a sound comming from behind you, you turn around to see who or what it is that made a sound then you see cate she is standing behind you. you notice that something looks off about cate, her pupils are larger than normal and her coulours are all faded ¨ y/n why are you out here? its night time and you know that it isnt safe for you to be here ¨ cate says ¨ i cant sleep so i just wanted to walk outside...wait why isnt it save out here? ¨ you reply ¨ dont you know...wel i will explain it later but now we have to go back to the store¨cate says. you and cate walk back to the store ¨ hey cate how did you know that i was outside? ¨ you ask ¨ i could hear you trying to open the locked door and i heard you walk around also i could hear you talk to yourself ¨cate answers  ¨i talk to myself?¨you say ¨yes you talk to yourself and you where talking about a place called (your home adress) and how you live there but there is no place in the neigbourhood that matches the discription of that place¨cate says then you hear a sound coming from howdy's room, cate grabs you and she pulls you into her bedroom and she closes the door. ¨what are you doing?¨you ask ¨my dad...he is awake we probably woke him up by talking¨ cate answers

you look around cate her bedroom there is a king sized bed and a small window, there is also a bean bag chair and a basket that is filled with balls of yarn in lots of different colours. ¨why do you have all that yarn here?¨you ask ¨ i croshet plushies and blankets with it¨cate answers ¨you can croshet?¨you say in a suprised tone ¨yes i can croshet and also the yarn is all made of either wool, fur, silk,felt ,or leather so its also a great snack for if i get hungry¨ cate replies you look at cate ¨you eat that stuff?¨you ask ¨yes i can eat that stuff becuase im a moth caterpillar...thats also the reason that i dont have a closet in here¨ cate replies now you notice that cate has no closet in her room. you walk to the bean bag chair and you sit down on it and a hour or 2 later you fall asleep.

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