10 missing

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(why dont i add a chapter about what's happening at your home in the human world also this will probably be a short part becuase it)

your parent/parents are worried becuase you have been gone for a week now, your whole family and the police have been searching for you trough the whole town/city to find you but they cant find you anywhere, its like you have dissapeared from this world , your parent decides to call your friends who where with you the day that you went missing and they also decide to help search for you. your friends search trough the whole forrest and then they find something they find your watch/bracelet (if you are a male your friends find your watch and if youre a female they find your bracelet, and if youre neither male or female you can choose what they find) 

¨ guys look what i found ¨  one of your friends says and all your other friends go to the one friend that found yout watch/bracelet  ¨ its Y/N their watch/bracelet ¨  one of your other friends says  ¨ its broken ¨  another one of your friends says ,then your friends continue to search for you and they hope that they will find you alive and well.  ¨ hey i found something ¨  another friend says, they find a bit of blood by the place where you where hiding when you where playing hide and seek  ¨ its blood ¨  one of your friends says  ¨ do you think its Y/N their blood? ¨ another friend asks  ¨ maybe we should get the police to come here so that they can find more information on where Y/N is ¨  another one of your friends says and they decide to call the police and your parent/parents to come and about a hour later they arive at the spot where your friends found the blood. 

the police colects a sample of the blood and they send it to a labratory to find out if its your blood or not.

(we will continue the part in the real world soon but for now we are going to return to the story in the next part)

a new neighbour (welcome home)Where stories live. Discover now