6. julie?

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( if you have seen my tiktok then you will know what happened becuase i posted about this on my tiktok but most part of this is also new)

you go to bed and you wake up the next morning at Howdy's place

Frank comes running into Howdy's place he looks freaked out ,howdy goes to frank to calm him down ¨calm down frank, if you dont calm down then i wont know whats wrong¨ howdy says. frank doesnt seem to calm down, Cate climbs onto the couter and she grabs the rotary phone and she calls eddie. 

¨ hey eddie ¨ cate says to the phone and she listens to what eddie says on the other side of the line ¨ frank is freaking out and we cant calm him down ¨ cate says to eddie on the phone and then she is silent again for a few seconds ¨ he is here at howdy's place ¨ she says and she is silent for some seconds before she hangs up the phone. 2 minutes later eddie enters the store and he sees that frank is freaked out so he calms him down.

(im not gonna type everything so you can comment how you think eddie calms frank down)

after frank calmed down howdy asks ¨ Frank can you tell us what happened?¨ howdy waits for frank to answer his question. ¨j-julie...¨ frank says and then he is silent ¨what happened to julie?¨ eddie asks ¨she i-is gone¨ frank answers ¨what do you mean?¨ cate asks ¨cate maybe its better for you if you go play outside for a moment¨ Howdy says ,cate goes outside and she walks into the neigborhood ¨julie...she is gone...i saw it¨frank says  ¨frankly tell me what you mean¨eddie says ¨i found her... and her head... i-it was ripped off¨ frank says  ¨ did you see anything that could be the cause of her death? ¨ you ask ¨...there was an apple...it was lying on the floor next to... next to her beheaded body ¨ frank replies .

¨ an apple? ¨ howdy asks, frank nods ¨yes an apple...it looked like it came from...here¨ frank says ¨wally steals apples so maby it was him ¨ eddie says ¨no...there where also footprints¨frank says ¨can you describe the footprints?¨ howdy says ¨there where 2 sets of footprints¨frank answers ¨you mean 4 footprints?¨ eddie asks and frank nods ¨where they big or small?¨howdy asks ¨small¨ frank says ¨so you think that cate did it?¨howdy asks frank nods ¨but she is a child¨eddie says ¨so you think that a child cant kill?¨frank asks ¨...but did she have anything against julie?¨ you ask ¨she did say that Julie was too energetic and wild, but she never wanted to hurt anyone¨howdy replies eddie goes outside ¨CATE PILLAR, HOWDY'S PLACE NOW!!!¨ he yells and cate runs to eddie ¨im here¨ cate says ¨cate come here¨howdy says and cate goes to howdy who is standing in the store. ¨cate did you hurt julie¨howdy asks, cate doesnt answer ¨cate please answer¨  howdy says after a few minutes cate looks at howdy before she speaks ¨i-i n-never hurt julie...¨cate answers

you get a wierd feeling ,you feel that cate isnt telling the truth. but you dont say anything, Cate goes back to play outside, you follow cate. you see that cate is walking to sally their house and there she talks with sally but you cant hear what they are saying.

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