7. frank

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(just wanted to tell that im working on a welcome home fangame here is the link if you want to check it out https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/848995557/ )

(a few hours later)

frank approaches you from behind and he sits down next to you he is wearing what looks like safari gear and he has binoculars around his neck ¨hello y/n i see that you are spying on cate¨ frank says ¨its not really spying its more like watching her without her knowing¨ you reply ¨thats spying but alright...why are you watching cate?¨ frank asks ¨i want to know if she really killed julie or if it was someone else who did it¨ you say.

cate is talking to another neigbor who looks alot like a star/sun (idk if sally is a star or a sun also a sun is tecnically a star so idc)  after cate has talked to sally she climbs into a apple tree and she eats some apples. you approach the apple tree and you decide to talk to cate

 ¨hey cate¨you say  cate responds by making some caterpillar sounds ¨i have no idea what you just said¨you say ¨good¨cate answers ¨what do you mean by that?¨you ask ¨its good that you cant understand me¨cate answers ¨why is that good?¨you ask ¨becuase¨ cate says and she makes caterpillar sounds to answer your question, then cate grabs a apple and she trows it into your face ¨ow...¨ you say as the apple hits you in the face. frank walks to the apple tree ¨cate i saw you trow a apple at Y/N and thats not nice¨frank says cate hisses at frank ¨cate here,now or im telling your dad¨frank says cate climbs out of the tree and she goes to frank. frank grabs cate and he lifts her up and he presses his finger against cate her nose for a few seconds, cate doesnt like it. after a few seconds frank puts cate back down on the ground. ¨now be a good little caterpillar and behave¨frank says in a serious tone ,cate nods and she walks away

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