Chapter 22

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Did Chat need his ears checked?

Because he wasn't moving.

Mari was having trouble seeing straight and every part of her was on fire as she she shoved him away.

She gasped for breath, the substance in her bloodstream screaming, "please...go."

She knew that Chat understood, but he didn't move. Her body was full of pins and needles as her skin screamed in agony. Move. Move.

Her instructions were clear. Transfer the Dream Catcher, and if that failed, then bring him to the brink of death.

They didn't want him dead, because then he couldn't lead them to her.

Mari wanted to laugh at the irony, but she couldn't.

It was a little hard considering her throat was on fire.

And yet Chat wasn't leaving.

She didn't think she'd ever seen him so still.

Chat, for possibly the first time ever, was driven by fear. This was quite the catch 22 situation. Adrian-Chat told himself to run. To leave and never look back and quit the whole hero thing all together.

But then there was the fact of Mari- and Ladybug (wherever she was). And the fact that life as he knew it was facing potential doom if he didn't do something.

And that was his dilemma. He should be running for the hills. But Mari was here. Danger was here. And he couldn't leave.

But he shouldn't stay.

It was his fault she'd gotten wrapped up in this whole affair, now it was his responsibility to get her out of it. No matter the cost.

She was actively hurting, fighting against whatever thing they'd put in her system... that would soon be in his system.

There has to be a way out.  This training couldn't have been for nothing.

"Are they watching us now? Do they know your exact location?" He didn't know if she could physically answer.

She took a step back, pain flashing before she turned and grabbed her throat.

"-won't be long, now." It was more of a raspy whisper than actual words, but Chat caught on.

Chat was doing some quick calculations, running through every scenario possible for them to survive this.

Mari wanted Chat to run, so he'd run.

He quickly grabbed her hand and ran. There was a room almost hidden where the top balconies met, and Chat led them towards this.

He tried the door- which was miraculously open- and ushered them inside.

The lights were off, save for the dim fake candles that littered all the tables. What looked to be a small room on the outside spread to be an entire reception room on the inside.

There was no one here, but that didn't mean Chat and Mari were safe forever.

He made his way behind the bar, scouring for a set of keys to lock the door. In the last drawer, he found a set.

Chat locked the door for entrance, and suddenly realized just how alone they were.


Mari was trying her best, but Chat knew they were running out of time.

Her legs wobbled, and Chat lifted her onto the bar, before her legs gave out.

"I don't know what to do" Chat was walking in circles, his hands running mercilessly through his hair, and pulling before starting the cycle over.

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