The First Anniversary (Drabble)

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Originally Posted: 01/16/2023

A/N: This wasn't really a request, just a funny little head canon from @anghstybeant on Tumblr that I laughed too hard at: "I can only imagine Sam laughing as he helps them both prepare and rehearsing his "oh no we need you for a mission" lines to be extra convincing"

"Hey, guys," Sam solemnly greets. "We need you."

"No!" he angrily exclaims to himself. "Way too dramatic. No one would ever believe that."

"Get it together, Sam," Sam harshly whispers to himself, intently staring at himself in the mirror. "We have a mission... and now I sound like Captain Kirk."

"Uh... Sam?" Steve awkwardly clears his throat from the doorway. "What are you doing?"

"What am I- I'm... Well, I'm just," Sam falters, trying to search for a believable reason that Steve just caught him talking to himself in a mirror without telling Steve the secret. You and Bucky wouldn't be leaving until late the next morning, and that would be more than enough time for Steve to blow the surprise. "I'm, uh, I'm practicing... lines. Yeah, I'm practicing lines!"

Steve's eyebrows furrow, his head tilting slightly, "For what?"

"For a play," Sam quickly responds.

"What play?"

"A play They're making a play us and, uh, I'm auditioning to play myself."

"Is that even allowed?" Steve questions.

"What are you the play police?" Sam snaps.

"Sorry, jeez, didn't mean to offend you."

"Well, you did, I happen to take my craft very seriously."

"I see that," Steve mumbles under his breath. He clears his throat again. "I'll just let you get back to it."

"You do that," Sam huffs, watching as Steve awkwardly shuffles out of the room. As the door shuts behind Steve, Sam breathes a sigh of relief. He proudly nods to himself after a moment, "Damn, I really would make a good actor."

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