chapter 6.. nice to see you again

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Nora was surprised..she looked at him..he was taller..his hair was taller more..his jaw line..his fine body..his eye patch

"Oh.. prince aemond" said Nora with surprise and smiled.. aemond smiled and glanced at her then his smile faded "why are you here" said aemond with a cold tone

Nora raised her brow for his quick change "I'm here with princess rahnerya and her family to visit visarys.." said Nora while aemond listening then he left her

Nora was happy to meet him..but why was he acting like that..did he not miss her..she met healena and aegon..she loved her kids so much.."look like aegon so much" said Nora with a giggle.."aemond " "aegon" said the kids..

Nora looked at them confused then she left the chamber because it was time to eat..Nora looked at the cold aemond..then she sat beside jace with a smile

Jace softly held her hands.."I congratulate Jace and Nora for their bethrode..and they will be married soon "
Said visarys with a smile

Nora smiled too..she was ok with jace..but she still loved aemond..her love..she looked at aemond who was staring at her..he was so fine and perfect..

Jace stood and took Nora's hand and danced with her in the background.. Nora's giggles were hearing and aemond looked at them with jealousy..

In the late night Nora was walking in the hallway..she was bored.. suddenly someone hugged her tightly from the back..Nora was scared for a moment but then she laughed "stop your scary actions.." said Nora..

Jace smiled and whispered in her ears "no I won't stop..I love scaring you.." said jace with a smirk and started to touch her body softly..

"Not in the hallway jace" said Nora with a giggle and put her hands softly over his big strong hand.. jace ignored her and started to kiss her neck..."JACEARYCE" Said Nora with a big giggle

"I can't wait for our marriage..I want you every day girl..I love you" said jace softly to her .."just a matter of time and I will be yours baby.. now leave me" said Nora trying to leave but he was holding her

Aemond was listening to all of this..he was hiding in the corner looking at how she was happy with this bastard..."look I will come after a while..don't sleep ha" said jace while kissing her then he left

Nora smiled then she went to her chamber "WAIT" said someone..she returned and looked at him..hmmm.. aemond.."what " said Nora
"I saw you with look happy with him" said aemond while walking closer to her

"It's not your business prince" said Nora with a cold tone..he was ignoring her then he started to ask about her own business now.." no it's mine..we supposed to be together" said aemond

"Ask your mother..she is the one who is responsible for all that.." said Nora with little anger "no she is the one who chose to leave " said aemond.."what...what are you saying.. aemond did she lie to always..ha..ok let me tell you.. princess rahnerya proposed a marriage between her son and healena..but your mother refused and threw me to protect her own daughter..and if I'm a liar then ask her Infront of me " said Nora with anger

Aemond looked at her in silence..his mother was liaing "..My mother did her duty to her family..she would not throw her daughter to a bastard " said aemond defending his mother
..Nora snapped"don't say a word about jacearyce.. understand or not..and I supposed to be family.. aemond..but you will always defend your mother.." said Nora..she looked at him with glossy eyes...

She missed him but aemond beginning a cold man with no emotions..she was hurt

She left him and went to her chamber..she changed her own dress..she wanted to sleep but she waited for jace..but he was late..she didn't feel herself sleeping..

She slept peacefully until she heard someone in the room

Manipulation //Jace Velaryon And Aemond Targaryen \\Where stories live. Discover now