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Nora entered the room.. she stood with her future husband..jace and his family.. aemond looked at her.. glaring but she ignored him

Alicent looked at her.. then her eyes lifted to rahnerya's hand on Nora's shoulder..

Nora was looking at Otto who sat on the iron throne and talked like a king.. Vemoned was talking about the old valarya and his history..Nora was bored but she tried to comfort Luke by playing with his hair softly..

Rhenyes talked and she proposed a marriage between luke and her granddaughter rahnea

Nora smiled happily at them..then visarys entered.. daemon Helped him to sit on his throne.. visarys refused Vemoned's position on driftmark but Vemoned didn't like it

Vemoned started to insult the princess and her sons..Nora was dare he.."say it" said Daemon with anger.."her children are bastards..and she is a whore" said Vemoned.. suddenly daemon cut Vemoned's head

Nora screamed and aemond walked to her but he stopped when he saw Nora hugging jace ...she felt safe with him.. aemond turned his eye to daemon.."are you ok" said jace..Nora nodded softly to him..

At the dinner Nora sat beside jace who was sitting beside aegon.. visarys came and he was tired but happy.."let's start our meal with a quick prayer to the gods" said alicent..Nora prayed silently..jace held her left hand while praying

Visarys started to talk " I would like to toast my little Grandson.. Lucerys for his wed to princess rahnea..and my old and fine grandson prince Jacearyce for his soon wedding to princess Nora.." said visarys..Nora smiled softly to jace

Visarys talked a little then he sat.."hey..did you fuck Nora yet or not.." said aegon.. jace ignored him..Nora looked at aegon to shut up " do you even know how to do put your cock  inside her pussy " said aegon

"Aegon shut up" said Nora but aegon smirked " if you wish to get a perfect fuck..ask me Nora" said aegon then suddenly jace snapped roughly on the table..Nora was going to put her hands on him but jace signed to her to not by his hand..he apologize then aemond stood to him..ready to fight

Nora looked at aemond..aemond glared at jace..jace glared too but Nora's hand calmed him..jace held his cup and toasted aemond and aegon..Nora and jace held their cups at the same moment to toast and drink

Haelena stood.."I would like to toast rahnea and Nora for their soon wedding..I wish for you a good Luck...not like me..he is just ignores you.. except sometimes when he is drunk" said healena then she sat..

Nora. Looked sorry for healena..she glared at aegon with a disgusting look..jace stood and excused from nora and he walked to dance with healena

Nora didn't upset..she loved healena and she really was happy about jace's action.. aemond looked at Nora..he wanted to take her for a dance but he refused the idea

Then a pig was put on the table..Luke remembered and started to laugh.. aemond got angry and he snapped with his cup on the table.."final taost..for the health of my nephews..jace..Luke and joffry..each of them handsome..wise.." said aemond with a smirk

Nora looked at him..all the people who was sitting on the table they didn't wish for The second word.."strong" "let's drink our cups for these three strong boys " said aemond..

"I dare you to say it again" said jace with angry tone.." was only a you not think of you self strong" said aemond while walking to him..jace punched him strongly then aemond pushed him..jace was going to fight but the guard held him.

Nora walked to aemond " you are a foolish" said to him then she walked to jace worrying about him.. alicent started to talk with her son

Aemond continued his insults for them abd jace freed him self from the guard but daemon stopped them "wait.." said daemon

"Go to your chambers..all of you go now.." said nerya to all of them..Nora took jace's hand and went out

Manipulation //Jace Velaryon And Aemond Targaryen \\Where stories live. Discover now