1. The Beginning

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How the fuck did I get here!?

*A few hours earlier*

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUN!!!" said all of the girls in one voice.
"Woah! Thank you" Jun answered.

'They probably would have forgotten about it if the professor didn't mention something.' Jun thought.

It was October 21st, Jun's 24th birthday. Her whole friend group met up at a cafe for some coffee.
"I can't believe we almost forgot about your birthday!" said Clare, the 'leader' of the group. She was sitting right across from Jun
"Sadly we didn't get you a gift," told Reilly, one of Clare's 'lackeys' who was sitting on the left side of the table, next to Clare
"oooh, I know! How about we go to a club to celebrate?" Anna suggested, looking at everyone for their reaction. She was sitting on the right side of Clare.
"Hell yes! And... I know the perfect club we can go to." Sierra spoke with a wink as she was sitting between Anna and Jun.

All of the girls chuckled except Jun who was looking at them with a confused look.

'What club are they all talking about?'

Clare looked at June and asked, "Don't you know which club we're talking about?", Jun unsurely shook her head "Oh come on! There's no way you haven't heard of the new place that just opened." Sierra claimed in disbelief.
"Does Phoenix ring a bell?" Reilly asked almost sarcastically.
"No, not really" June answered.
"Oh! Our poor little Jun. What would you do without us" Clare let out while dramatically raising her hand on her forehead.
Everyone chuckled.
Clare continued "Phoenix is a new women-only club that opened just a few weeks ago, but it's not a 'normal' club". She paused to look around then gestured to Jun to get closer. "it's a sex club with really hot male prostitutes who will make sure you have an amazing~ time."

'What the actual fuck!? Oh... Right, they don't know about that... Should...I tell them...?'

Clare leaned back in her chair and asked "So... When are we going?" she looked confident everyone was in.
"oh umm... I don't think that place is for me." June answered a little hesitantly.
"but it's YOUR birthday! Obviously, you HAVE to go!" Anna demanded.
"Don't be so shy it's not like you're a virgin! Right?" said Reilly sarcastically.
"Wait! Are you still a virgin?" Sierra asked anticipating an answer.
Jun lowered her head and just stared at her coffee with her hand under the table hidden between her thighs.
"O.M.G. you're a VIRGIN!?" Sierra almost screamed. "Jesus keep it down" Clair ordered with an angry look aimed at Sierra
"Well, you see-" June tried to explain but was cut off.
"That's why you HAVE to go! Girl, you can't happily celebrate you're 24th birthday and still be a virgin! Tonight we are all going to that club. NO EXCUSES!!" Clair commanded excitedly without even hearing out Jun as she wanted to explain her situation.

*Present time*

The whole group is sitting in one of the club's booths. Loud techno music is playing, women are dancing, and men wearing revealing clothing are dancing on stage or serving drinks.

"Isn't this great Jun!?" asked Clare
"No, not really. I'm not a huge fan of this. Besides I don't want to do anything with any man." Jun says.
"Impossible. How can you not wanna be fucked when you see these hot ass men?" Sierra asks while looking at one of the employees as she bit her bottom lip.
"You are getting fucked tonight. Like it or not. I've already booked you the hottest man here" Reilly says as she and Clare were exchanging looks and smiling.

'God damnit!'

"ahh, here he is~!" Anna says all excited to see the man.
Before Jun has time to turn around she already hears a male voice behind her say.

"Hello, ladies. A little birdie told me one of you has requested my services. So... which one of you will be my dance partner tonight?"


To be continued...

Hi! This is my first ever story so I have no idea wtf I'm doing but I hope you enjoy it and I'll try not to make too many grammar mistakes.
see ya in the next chapter.

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