4. Locker room

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"What's up, Daniel? Or should I say, Jace?"

"Hi, Ian." he sighs, still packing his stuff and not even giving a small glance to the guy next to him.
"Aww I thought you were gonna use my stage name" complains Ian leaning on the lockers.
"by the way," Ian suddenly gets up and stares at Jace "Why did you make your stage name Daniel? Isn't it a bit boring? I mean you could have gone with something similar to my name, Angel. Or you could have been creative whit it and-" He gets cut off by a loud bang of Jace slamming the door of his locker.
Ian got startled and flinched backward a bit. He noticed Jace isn't in the best of moods so he kept silent.

"I'm not in the mood for this bullshit right now!" Jace says turning away from the lockers and about to head out.
"what had a bad day today? Did our employee of the year, not manage to satisfy a customer?" Ian gets a bit sassy and asks this with a smirk on his face.
Jace is agitated by the question. He quickly turns around, walks up to Ian at a fast pace, and grabs him by his collar. He doesn't say anything just stares at him with pure anger in his eyes.
This moment lasts only for a few seconds before Jace is pulled back by someone else who just came into the locker room.
Ian is released from Jace's hold and fixes his clothes. Jace gives him a cold look.

The person who stopped the situation from escalating was Nathaniel. He put himself between Jace and Ian so their fight wouldn't resume. "what the hell happened"
"our dear have here is having a bad day and can't even take a joke" He explains with a soft smile and a shrug.
Jace stays silent.
Nathaniel's eyes widen, he quickly grabs Ian by his per arm and pulls him to the side "Jesus Christ man! Don't you know you shouldn't mess with Jace when he's in a bad mood?" both of them glance at Jace who was dusting the backpack he threw on the floor right before grabbing Ian.
"Yeah, I know that now! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?" he yelled in a whisper.
"How can you not know that? Everybody knows this number 1 rule!"
"Apparently not. What should I do? He's probably pissed."
Ian and Nathaniel slowly moved their heads back to where Jace was. However, Jace was gone.
"Guess he left"
"I guess so."
Jace decided to go home since he was done with his work and that conversation.

As soon as he gets home he takes a shower, then lies on his bed.
"What a fucked up day. And what was wrong with that girl?" he sighs
"This word sure is fucking packed with weirdos" He then closed the lights and went to sleep.

To be continued...

I'm sorry this chapter was kind of short but I really didn't know how to write it in a way that it's interesting and adds to the story and isn't just a filler. I don't think I succeeded in not making it a filler but I still hope you enjoyed it.

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