5. Jun's Life

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Jun lived with her parent and an older sister Aarushi.
Their mom was the one who named both of them and since she's Japanese she wanted her daughters to have a name that represents her culture.
Their father was from England and both parents preferred the older sister.
Aarushi was the pride and joy of the family and her name also supports that. Her name means bright, brilliant, and radiant rays of the sun. Their mom was always proud of the oldest.
But Jun... She was named that because it was the first thing that popped into the mother's head, so she didn't put much thought into it.

Jun has always been Aarushi's shadow and was never really seen by her parents. In short, Jun was like a ghost to them.

A week has already passed since the whole mess at Phoenix Club.
Jun is living her normal life and tries not to think about that day.

Her everyday life was uneventful.
In the morning after breakfast, she takes the bus to her school, and after that, she works part-time at a plant shop.
The pay there isn't the best it could be but she is the only other employee except for the owner who was struggling just to keep the shop open, so she never complained.
Working there was a dream come true for her. The atmosphere was calm and soothing, the shop was small which also made it feel cozier, and there weren't many customers and which gave her time to study if she had to.
Since there weren't many customers most of them were regulars who would strike up a small conversation with Jun helping her become more confident in her social skills and teaching her how to make small talk.

After work, she occasionally meets with her here friends. Altho she never really liked it because they would always find a way to make her feel insecure and uncomfortable. She didn't fit in with them but they were the only ones who took her in, so she didn't have a choice if she didn't want to seem like a loner.

At the end of the day, she would take the bus home and have something small for dinner before going to her room to rest.

'Ughh... What should I do? I don't feel comfortable hanging out with those girls but on the other hand, they're not so bad either

A few more peaceful days have passed by but then...
"Hey, Jun! We should go to that club again tomorrow, what do you say?"

'Shit! I'm screwed!'

To be continued...

Sorry for not uploading a chapter yesterday but due to some personal issues I was in able to upload it.
I do hope you enjoyed this chapter though.
This was a little description of Jun's life to make it easier to understand her situation.
Thank you for reading and see you in the next update which will be in 2 days.

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