Chapter 1: Pilot

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"Jack Champion," the name hummed over and over in your head. He was the one to play the role of your lover and today you were to meet him.

To be honest you weren't sure that you ever wanted to play a part in a cheesy romance movie. Horror had your heart and you were such a big fan of scream that it was impossible to turn down the role. That and your manager would have your ass for turning down such a legendary role most would only ever dream of.

You weren't sure how you felt going from a nobody actor to an A-list movie star overnight practically. It really wasn't something you ever thought of. Sure you dreamt of it from time to time, especially when you were little and your mother held you by the hand to bring you to various auditions as a child. You never thought it would actually happen and never really desired it either. You had fun acting and being in movies bringing characters to life but you were content with just enough to get by.

The only problem with this gig was it was a romantic role and you despised the concept of love. What was the point of it and why was the world so obsessed with it? When all love stories end in tragedy if you wait long enough.

Still, a role was a role. You've kissed people on set for movies before with small relationships on screen but never the main romantic protagonist. Especially for being the first movie protagonist without Neve Campbell there were big shoes to fill and surely your social media would be flooded with hate and undesired criticism. Frankly, you would've turned down the role in a heartbeat if it wasn't your favourite franchise.

Anyways, today was the day you were to meet Jack, running through your lines together in the first scene where your character meets his; Ethan Landry. Nerdy cute boy who held a deep dark secret.

Jack was the same age as you, 18, but he had practically grown up on set, and while you were familiar with it since a child you had mainly worked on smaller, more indie films until somehow being noticed. So it was more than a little daunting to meet him, compared to you he was a professional. So were you nervous to meet him? More than a little.

You practically held your breath as the door opened, doing your best to keep looking at your lap as he stepped through the door. How long should I wait until looking...? You wondered.

"Jack," the script-manager stood to their feet, going to meet him.

You stood to your feet allowing yourself to give him a glance over while he was shaking hands. You've seen him in photos where he looked pretty much like a generic gym guy. In person though he was much softer. He looked nerdy and cute with his curly fluffy hair but clearly his toned frame underneath made you feel a little intimidated. First impressions were important, especially with your destined lover.

You fluttered your eyelashes a little shy as his brown eyes looked into yours. The moment he spoke you realized that despite your nerves he was adorable and sweet, seemingly awkward but that just added to it.

"Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Jack." The words were simple but as he held his hand out to yours his voice seemed to hum through your body.

Your eyes catch for a moment on the metal chain around his neck as you move your hand to his. His grip was just firm enough as if he noticed how timid you were.

His eyes seemed to shine in the light while you spoke "Hey, I'm y/n but you probably already know that."

You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you wonder if you unintentionally came off way too cocky. He seemed to find it amusing though as he let out a small chuckle.

The director seemed to find this a good sign as they glanced between us "good, you're acquainted. Are you ready?"

It dawned on you again that this was the guy you were going to be having to do sex scenes with.

Method Acting | Jack Champion x actress!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now