Chapter 2: Dyed Water

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Song rec for chapter 2: Tonight - TwoThirds, Holly Drummond

You decided the best course of action was to bury your innocent crush on Jack before it burned into something too deep. It was safer this way, you knew from experience, lest you burn with it.

It was summer of 2023 in Montréal but it was still cooler than the summers you were used to. It was nice, bearable even. The days were hot enough for shorts but nights cool enough for hoodies. It was a pain to change constantly but you enjoyed it nonetheless. Not that you had much free time to yourself outside of filming.

The main cast had trailers to stay in while filming but since you and Devyn decided to room together you had one to share. Both of your names were taped to the door, your character ones at least. Devyn took out her phone to take a selfie with the sign as you giggled at her.

"I've never been on such a big set before," you admitted. The filming was to be quick, two months over the summer and the film was set to be released early next year.

Devyn opened the door to the trailer, walking in and taking in all of the sights. You followed her looking around. There was a small kitchen area along with two couches and it felt pretty cozy. The trailer was just for staying in between shots, the cast all had hotel rooms booked out for overnight. Your room was separate from Devyn's but was connected by an adjoining door.

It was still super early and you didn't know how Devyn had the energy. You were just ready to get to filming in hopes it would keep you awake. You sipped a coffee and prayed that it would get you through the day.

The first day was relatively easy going, mostly because you hadn't had to face Jack again. The second day, however, it was time to meet his character Ethan Landry.

The house for the set was filled with colorful flashing lights. The music was going to be added in post so it was relatively quiet which felt odd with everyone dancing to no music just the sound of people chattering. You were used to odd by now with acting and just imagined your favourite party music instead.

You stood at the drink table with Devyn in her bright orange pumpkin top and hat, shifting your weight from one leg to the next. You were impatiently waiting to film the scene after some fuck boy flirts with you and you brush them off. Jack was in the other room filming his scene with Mason, him trying to act as his wing man. You did your best to pretend he wasn't there.

"I wish this was a real drink," Devyn muttered into the glass of dyed water.

"God, me too," you laughed gently tugging down on your white button up shirt.

Your character had gone to the party dressed up as Mia Wallace, which wasn't bad except by the end of the day the wig started making your head hurt. The blouse was comfortable enough though, and the bell bottoms were fun to walk in.

Finally, it was time to put your game face on as the director yells "action."

Anika giggled at you, filling up her drink again, "I thought you liked boys."

"Not that kind," you muttered in disgust as you filled your cup as well, staring into the dyed water.

"What kind then?" She asked as she swirled the liquid in the cup before taking a sip.

You shrugged "nerdy, cute, fluffy haired boys."

The image of Jack in his black Stabathon shirt appeared in your head that you tried desperately to push away.

"Ah, the first murder suspects," Anika laughed and you gently smacked her shoulder.

"Well, let's drink to you finding a boyfriend," Anika smiles, holding her cup up to you "or just some good dick."

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