Chapter 8: Sweet like a Milkshake

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A/N: Angst in this chapter and next I promise we'll get through it together!!! This chapters songs are: golden hour by JVKE, House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco and Dark Red by Steve Lacy

This time you put lip gloss on alone in your room, unsure where Devyn had run off to.

After all the anxiety from today you could finally relax. For now anyways.

Part of you was even excited to see what Jack had planned. Not that you would ever give him the satisfaction of knowing that, he would never let you live it down.

The ding of a message on your phone made you turn to look quickly. It was an unknown number but you were sure of who it was.

Are you ready?!?!?

Followed by another ding.

No pancakes were harmed in the making of this event.

You couldn't help but smile at the screen as you entered your response "of course! Our son would be proud."

It wasn't long after you started powdering your nose when you heard 3 hasty knocks on your door. Despite that you only heard it a couple of times, you knew only one person would knock like that.

"Hey Jack," you smiled as you opened the door, folding your arms.

He stood there waving you forward, signalling you to follow. "I have a place to show you, c'mon! You're gonna miss it!" He said eagerly.

"Miss what? In the hotel?" You asked confused as he led you to the stairs.

You stayed on the top floor and you sure as hell weren't going to take all of those stairs down. The only way from here was up.

He peaked both ways down the hall before opening the door, you couldn't help but grin at his silly antics. You shook your head as your heart raced, trying to shake off any nerves.

"Where are you bringing me, a broom closet?" You said with a laugh.

"Nono, it's infinitely cooler, trust me." He turned and reassured you as you climbed the stairs behind him.

When you reached the top Jack pushed open the heavy metal door, the sunlight poured into the stairwell. The sun was rising over the horizon, a beautiful array of gold and orange just like a painting. You gasped as you drank in the sight, Jack smiling proudly at you.

"Gorgeous isn't it?" He whispered.

Out of the corner of your eyes you could've swore he glanced down at your lips when he spoke.

"Are we allowed to be up here?" You asked.

"Probably not," he shrugged, walking forward as you shook your head disapprovingly.

Ahead of you sat a blanket on the concrete rooftop, a basket of fries and two large to-go cups that hid their contents. You bit your lip to hold back your grin.

"Before you think I'm trying to poison you, it's just milkshakes. I figured I'd beat Ethan to the punch on that." He held his hands behind his back nervously.

You turned to look at him as he studied your reaction, nervously trying to see if you'll like it.

"I love it." His shoulders relaxed as he flashed the point of his canines in a relief filled smile. "Where did you get these?"

"Just a place nearby," he shrugged, like it was no big deal. To you it was, he was always so thoughtful.

"What flavour did you buy me?" You asked.

Method Acting | Jack Champion x actress!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now