Chapter 3: Wait a minute!

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Song rec for this chapter: Like that (Rytmeklubben), Sunflower (Post Malone, Swae Lee), Wait a Minute! (Willow)

"Wait a minute, did you just say fake date ?" Devyn asked, crossing her arms.

She had been sitting on your hotel bed with her leg crossed listening intently.

"Yeah it's just for chemistry" you shrugged to her, fixing your hair in the mirror as if it was no big deal "kinda like method acting.

"Riiiight, and that's why you're putting make-up on." She retorted and you glared at her through the mirror.

The hotel room was smaller than your apartment but you didn't mind it. It was nice enough to stay in, cosy even as the trailer had been. Devyn followed you back to your room from the set, you had started to feel closer with her already. That's when you told her about the fake date.

"I'm going to a public place with, let's face it, a celebrity. I'm going to put on some make-up but that doesn't make it a real date." You turned to glare at her.

She put her hands up defensively but she had a huge smile on her face "whatever you say girly pop."

A knock on your room door made both of you glance at it, and then back at each other. Suddenly you felt nervous, your stomach was churning.

Devyn opened the adjoining door to her room with a wave, "enjoy your fake date, roomie!" She smiled evilly while you glared and flipped her off.

You grabbed your purse with a deep sigh, clutching the strap nervously.

You opened the door to be face to face with him. Tonight he was dressed more casually as you were, in a navy hoodie and jeans to face the evening cold.

"Room service!" He declared.

"Great, I've been waiting an hour." You crossed your arms pretending to be irritated.

He pouted then, "I'm sorry please don't tell my boss, I have a wife and kids to feed."

You couldn't help but laugh "okay, but you're a lousy bellhop."

"Let me make it up to you," he offered, putting his hands out to guide you forward.

You pulled your hotel room door closed as you followed curiously. You watched him step ahead of you before turning around making sure you were following.

You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm and aura he gave off. He was so goofy, eccentric and sweet, completely different from what you expected based on his gym dude Instagram. Golden retriever boyfriend, you heard people describe it as.

But he's not my boyfriend, you remind yourself, he's just a guy I'm going on a fake date with. Really, a hang out between friends. For acting, for the sake of the movie and the biggest role you've ever had you need to go with it.

You stepped onto the elevator suddenly aware of how quiet you had been while your thoughts were buzzing. He didn't seem to mind though as he tapped his hands against his pockets to a beat that only played in his mind.

"Where are we going again?" You asked, completely forgetting, red rising your cheeks.

He leaned forward in front of you to hit the lobby button, a small smirk on his lips. You were on the top floor unfortunately, so bring on the awkward elevator small talk. Along with praying the elevator doesn't get stuck.

"The arcade. Well, it's a theatre mixed with an arcade. Actually where we'll be filming tomorrow." He replied nonchalantly.

Right, it's fitting really for our first fake date to be where our character's first date is. Personally, you weren't a fan of movies as the first date option like in the script but you understood the choice especially as a horror movie fanatic yourself. You were thankful it was the arcade instead, though. It's been a while since you've been to one, and you enjoyed the atmosphere.

Method Acting | Jack Champion x actress!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now