The Morning After

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Susanna did a slow roll onto her side when she heard the man utter the words...

"I made you some breakfast."

She groaned. She turned her head in the direction of the door. And there he was in the doorway. The light coming from the stairwell illuminated his silhouette. He sort-of glowed there in front of her.

The so-called room was nothing more than a basement. With cold tile floors, a single toilet, and  a disconnected black rotary phone. The mattress had seen better days. She would have preferred those bus stop benches to this. There was a spring that stuck out and had been poking her side all through the night. She lifted the t-shirt just enough to see the mark. The rusty spring penetrated skin just enough to leave it red. It was small, but it hurt like hell.

The man was holding a tray with her breakfast on it. There was a steaming plate of eggs, and a glistening bottle of sprite. Funny enough the strangest thing about this scene wasn't the horrific pairing of soda pop, and scrambled eggs. It was it the mask on his face...

It was like a Halloween mask, but she hadn't ever seen one this terrifying. Plus, those were made from plastic. This looked homemade. Not made... crafted. Like with plaster, and leather. The mask was that of nightmares. It had pronounced features from the arched eyebrows, and the large, sculpted nose. Then there was the mouth, it was a large off-putting grin. The smile was so eerie, mainly due to the fact that she knew this man had never smiled that wide in his whole rotten life.

Since she had run away, Susanna hadn't eaten a real meal in what felt like weeks. She had been surviving off of scraps. She could use the food. And she would have eaten if it wasn't for the vile taste in her mouth. Blood had a metallic aftertaste. Her lip finally ceased bleeding from last night, but that bad taste never went away. Neither did the sting from where he hit her.

Susanna slowly raised her head, she looked at him through downward brows. Her skin was pale and glistening in the early dawn light that peaked in through the cellar window. Her brown eyes had a dull gray haze casted over them.

"I'm not hungry."

He kicked the door shut behind him. The door slammed shut, and that alone was indication of how heavy it must have been. Susanna took notice. Her father always taught her to be aware of her surroundings.

He was one of the best detectives in the city. There was a reason she was once so inspired by him. Nowadays it pained her to admit that maybe he was right about somethings. Maybe her dad did have a clue of what was going on out there. She was starting to see that maybe she didn't know much about anything out here. Not nearly half as much as she thought she did.

Susanna sat up slowly. She groaned as she  as she rubbed her eyes. She winced when she brushed against the bruise he left on her cheek.

If you would have told her this was a completely different man than last night, she would have believed you. This time around his tone was light. He was soft spoken now. Though much like that smile on the mask, it was all so forced.                           

He spoke again, "You have to eat."

Susanna sat with her legs crossed.

"No," she protested. "I just told you...I am not hungry."

"Eat it or don't eat it." The man placed the tray on the floor. He walked over to where she was sitting. He ignored the way she retreated back when he got closer.

" I have no need to drug you. You're already down here," He chuckled, "and you came willingly."

"You told me you had," Susanna narrowed her eyes at him, "I would have never come if I knew...""

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