Ground Rules

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Albert, and Susanna sat in the living room facing one another. Susanna on the coffee table and Albert on the couch. Susanna was slumped over staring down at her feet as she carelessly swung them. The socks on her feet were bulky, and far too big. The burnt orange nylon was folding over itself getting all bunched up at her ankles.

Susanna felt Albert's eyes boring into her skull. Plucking out her thoughts with his fingers. Scrapping at her brain with the tip of his knife. She didn't have to say a word. He already knew what she was thinking about. He could feel her discomfort with a single glance. She felt completely, and utterly violated in his presence. But oh, how good it felt to be seen.

Albert leaned forward his arm extended out. His gray hair fell over his face. He latched his hand around her ankle. He adjusted her sock, pulling it up over her calf.

"Eyes up."

But Susanna's eyes never left the floor.

"Susanna," Albert repeated himself.

The Albert she knew would have smacked her the first time she didn't listen. Susanna wasn't trying to push her luck. Every day she lost herself a little more, and a little more. She cried too many tears and started too many fires. And now she wasn't sure how much more she had left to give. Her energy was depleting. Susanna might have been upstairs, but her soul was trapped in that basement. That basement was like wet cement. If you stepped in it, it would prove very difficult to get out. The basement took her energy, took her soul, it even took her memories. And time was passing, and the cement was hardening. There was no way to pull them back out. If Susanna looked dull, and seemed empty it was because, she was.

"Susanna, did you hear me?"

Susanna laggardly nodded her head. That's the only response she had the energy to give. A nod of her head.

"Come on Susanna, can't you look at me?"

Susanna shook her head again with more vigor.

Albert sighed. "Jeus, Susanna."

Albert grabbed her other ankle and adjusted that sock next.

"Okay, okay," Albert placed his hands on either of his thighs.

"Boy, what am I going to do with you?" He muttered under his breath and chuckled.

Susanna's head shot up. She cowered back from him behind her big curly locks.

Albert exhaled and shook his head. "No, no, baby I'm not going to hurt you. So don't go looking at me like that."

That was more than enough to put Susanna's mind at ease. She dropped her head down. Watching the floor once more. She watched the floor so intensely as if she was waiting for it to move.

Albert let out a long sigh. He ran a hand through his hair. "Baby, can you listen at least?"

Susanna shrugged her shoulders. When she nodded her ratty hair bounced up and down.

"Good girl." There was a smile in his throat. "Do you know what I want to talk to you about, baby?"

"G-ground rules," she whispered.

Susanna pushed her hair behind her ears. Her messy brown curls laid on either of her shoulders in two clusters.

"Hmm, very good." Albert pressed his lips together. "Yes, Ground rules. Exactly that."

Susanna's eyes scanned the room. Most people read from left to right. Most people think linearly. Susanna wasn't like regular people. At least not anymore.

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