Good girl

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"It's cold," she hissed.

Albert poured a cup of lukewarm water over her head. He was smiling under his mask when he watched her shiver under the water.

"You're not worth hot water though now, are you?"

She didn't respond. Albert knew he had upset he with this comment.

He almost felt bad sometimes when he hurt her. She would sink down, and look at him with sad eyes, or bow her head, and hold herself like she was now. However Albert needed to keep control of her. Put her in her place. He was finding it hard with this one though. Because she was relentless.

"If you didn't take so long to get in the bath... then the water wouldn't be so cold. "He huffed. He took the yellow sponge and dragged it along her spine.

"Not, but forty-eight hours ago you were shoving me down into your secret dungeon basement. So, understand why you aren't exactly the most trustworthy guy in my book right now,"she glared at him.

Albert rolled his eyes and smiled. However she wouldn't have know behind that mask. Albert lathered her hair with soap. He guided her head back and poured  a cup of water over her head. Cupping her hair line as he brushed the soap away from her face. She closed her eyes even tighter and winced when the cold water hit her scalp.

He lathered condition at the ends of her hair. Albert felt worse when he poured the ice cold water  the second time. The pleasure of her suffering was becoming less and less.

"Do you want me to add more hot water," He whispered, and stroked her cheek.

She held her head back. She opened her eyes slowly and wiped any water or soap from them. She just stared at the ceiling with a sour look on her face. There was her attitude right on cue.

"No, I'm not worth any hot water, remember?"

Albert almost forgot why he felt bad in the first place. "Exactly, you're  finally learning your place."

She glared at him. She looked down at the water between her legs, and sighed softly.

"I'm trying to play nice, but you insist on being a little pain." He said as he rinsed her hair again.

"If this is you playing nice..."

"Know when to stop talking," Albert said as he covered her mouth with his hand. "That's going to be your second lesson."



"Wash the rest of yourself," he tossed her the sponge. He looked down at her body. He was letting her clean her private parts.

"So, you'll rape me, but you're letting me have privacy to clean myself?"she looked down between her legs.

"I'm not an unreasonable man Susanna."

"I know," she whispered. "Thank you." She forced herself to mutter out.

He hoisted himself up on the edge of the counter and pulled off his mask. He pushed back his hair, and grinned, "Don't thank me just yet. I'm still going to watch you."

She looked up at him her and covered her chest as if he hadn't already seen it before. "But why?" She pouted.

"Because I don't trust you not to do something stupid." He explained. "Plus, I know this will humiliate you just as much as if I cleaned you myself."



Max was gone for the night. Even so Albert scanned the house for any trace of him. Then he returned to the bathroom where he locked her in. He opened the door and helped her out of the bath. He wrapped her in a towel and dried her off.

Everything Comes With A Price (The Grabber Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now