Chapter 12: Love Life and the schemes of men

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Throughout the ride to Highgarden, he felt as if his family was denied justice, that he should have gone after the Kingslayer, but he had to obey his king's wishes, so he had to go back with the Tyrells while Jaime Lannister walked free. Lord Mace agreed to stay in the capital until his father regained consciousness, which happened seven days later after the attack. Jon and his sisters were overjoyed to see their father awake and up, although he had to use a cane due to his injury. After another two days, they had to leave for Reach. Jon thought about the moment before they left the city.

"Why can't you stay?" Arya asked sadly.

"I have to go back to Highgarden with lord Mace but don't worry, I will be back," Jon reassured his little sister.


"I promise," Jon said and hugged Arya. After her time came to say goodbye to Sansa.

Sansa and Jon looked at each other "I'm sorry how I reacted at. First, it was stupid of me," Sansa said.

"There is nothing to be sorry about; I'm not mad at you."

Sansa smiled and hugged him. "Thank you, brother," Jon smiled too at the sound of her calling him that. After a moment, Sansa pulled away.

"You will take good care of Lady?" Sansa asked.

"I will; you have nothing to worry about; she will be safe. Maybe you could ask your father to visit, and you will get to be with her again," Jon saw Sansa smile at the thought.

"That would be nice; I would love to see Highgarden and spend more time with Margaery."

"I'm sure she will be happy to oblige," Jon said and could see his sister's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Sansa, if you ever need help, just send a message, and I will be there for you," Jon said.

"My big brother to keep me safe," Sansa said, "I'm safe here with father and the prince, but if I ever need you, I won't hesitate to ask."

The next person he said his goodbye to was Loras. "You sure you don't want to go with us?" Jon asked.

"No, as I said, I will spend a few more weeks here, and then I will return," Loras answered.

"Fine, but take care and don't cause any scandals that might reflect poorly on us,"

Loras chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't."

Jon turned his gaze towards his sisters, who were talking with Margaery, "Keep them safe."

"I won't worry about them. They are incapable hands," Loras smiled.

"Thank you, Loras," Jon said and hugged his friend. Then he heard a sound of a cane tapping on the stone. He looked over Loras's shoulder to see his father coming to escort them. First, he went to lord Mace, Lady Alerie, Olenna, Margaery, Garlan, and then came to them.

"Ser Loras, I was informed you will be staying, is that right?" his father asked.

"It is my lord," Loras answered.

"Could you give us a moment?" father asked Loras. Loras looked at Jon and then again at lord Eddard.

"Of course, my lord," Loras said and made his way to his family.

"What is it, father?" Jon asked.

"I wanted to wish you safe travel back to Highgarden and to tell you to keep out of trouble," father said in his usual calm tone.

"Trouble, I don't know what you mean," Jon said.

"I was young once, too; I know how it is; I just want you to stay safe."

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