Chapter 27: The Kingdom of Khazad-dum

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The next morning...

The next morning...

They continued their journey by the light of the rising sun and for much of the way Jon was meditating on Glorfindel's words about the immortality of the elves and he began to see their blessing as a curse. He also remembered the words of Lord Ulmo and Lord Cirdan about the so-called "Gift of Men" ... "Death", there was no doubt that immortality was not what many expected, Jon understood it now but still He felt that calling death a gift was too much, but for some reason Jon felt there was something else.

... There is more to death than we know about it ... Something crucial to grasping the true will of Eru ... For something death is known as the "Gift of Men" ... Lady Shiera asked Lord Ulmo about it and he simply stated that we would discover its truth during our journies throughout Middle-Earth ... I wonder if the Numenoreans sought that knowledge and Sauron corrupted their desire, perhaps they discovered what they sought and for that reason rebelled against the Valar? ...

Jon kept thinking about it for the rest of the trip and decided he must pour through the various tomes of lore ... He will have to spend more time in the library when they return from the Kingdom of Khazad-dûm.

Glorfindel had been very disciplined when he woke up and when everyone had had breakfast they quickly set off since according to his mentor the entourage sent by King Gil-galad was very near as they could see signs of an encampment in the distance, so they decided to hurry.

After a few hours on horseback, they spied a large encampment of silken tent, when they got close enough, they could see that the elves were dressed in robes of silver and sky blue with gilded fastenings and many had jeweled swords at their waist, each tunic bore the same heraldry twelve silver stars that glittered like diamonds upon a field of sea blue it was the sigil of the high king.

"That is the heraldry of High King Gil-galad, we have found them" Glorfindel said giving them a signal to follow him, it took them less than 5 minutes to reach the entourage were a dozen elves some dressed in beautiful white tunics while others were clad in mail and each elf was surrounded by an calming air that smelled faintly of snap dragons and lillies, These elves were knights of the king's households and were akin to the kings of the old tales. Their tall helms were of splendid make wrought of delicate silver and crested by a white horse tail that fluttered in the breeze. Each was dressed in silver plate, and golden mail, and about their waist were jewelled belts, and glittering daggers of silvered steel and their scabbards were studded with many fine gems, they each held a banner that bore the heraldry of the High King, and each wore a cloak of sky-blue silk fastened by a delicate brooch shaped to resemble a swan in flight with each feather filigree with silver thread.

When they noticed the presence of Jon and the others they stopped and allowed them to catch up. As Glorfindel neared they all bowed in reverence, they were especially intrigued by his company it was not often you see a Noldorian lord followed by six Firen's, and when they saw Daenerys all the elves in the entourage were clearly confused by her Valyrian features, violet eyes, and silver blonde hair, the They stared so intently that the Targaryen Princess hid behind Jon.

And suddenly both Glorfindel and the elf in the center of the entourage said at the same time "Suilad" And the Westerosi knew it was a greeting in Sindarin.

"Strange company you keep my Lord Glorfindel" said the elf, an incomparably beautiful young-looking elf, a maiden with lovely hair as black as satin and blue eyes like a deep lake dressed in a gown of a white as pure as the snow.

"Lord Glorfindel, we have expected you for sometime now" Said the elf who was in the center of the entourage who like Glorfindel had golden hair but while Glorfindel's eyes were blue like the clear sky this elf were as brown as an aged oak, but like his kindred had a very regal presence and from his bearing he was clearly the leader of the entourage.

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