Chapter 14: Rage of a Flower fall of a Stag

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Loras stood with Garlan and Willas, looking over the castle walls at the army that was camped outside. A formidable host that would soon march to war. They will take the throne from the Lannisters and make them pay for their crimes, the murder of Lord Eddard in particular.

Garlan turned to Loras. "How is he?" his brother asked in a concerned tone.

For the first few days, Jon was almost out of it; he barely ate or slept, spending most of his time in his room with only the wolves for company. The wolves only allowing Margaery and him into the room. Now it's been weeks since the terrible news about the fate of Jon's father, and his friend was taking it as you could expect, he returned to his duties as a Kingsguard, but everyone could see that he wasn't well. "He's hurt, angry, he is blaming the Lannisters but also Renly for it. He lashed out at Renly yesterday, telling him that only a coward waits this long to step in a fight.

"How did Renly react?" Willis asked.

"Renly just had him excused from the room."

"He is not angry at one of his Kingsguard lashed out at him?"

"A bit, but he knows it is not easy for someone to lose a father; Renly lost him when he was a boy and grew up without him. Jon needs to blame someone for his loss."

"It won't get easier from here," Garlan said.

"We received word that Robb Stark had defeated and captured Jaime Lannister and freed Riverrun from the siege," Willas said.

"When?" Loras asked.

"Around the time of lord Eddard's execution. The reports say that he was around twenty thousand men with him," Willas answered. Robb Stark captured Jaime Lannister that gives him an option of trading him for Jon's sisters. He is probably tempted to kill the Kingslayer to get back at the Lannisters, but he will not do it if he is smart. Robb must be feeling the same way Jon does, even worse because, unlike Jon, he spent his entire life with their father.

"We cannot change what has been done, but we can make sure it does not repeat again," Garlan said.

"If Robb manages to continue with his victories, he just might cripple Tywin for good," Willas said.

"Aye, maybe. Let us hope that the gods hear it and grant our wish this time," Loras said.

Loras finished his talk with his brothers and went inside the keep looking for Jon. He first went to Jon's room but did not find him there, next he went to see if he is in the great hall, but Jon could not be found there either. Loras ran into his father and mother and asked them if they saw Jon, but they said no. Then he finally remembered where his friend could be the Godswood. Jon always spent more time there than anyone else in this castle; that was the Northman in him.

His instincts proved him right, and he found Jon sitting next to the Three Singers, both wolves at his side, Lady laying on the ground while Ghost sat next to Jon, who ran his hand through the wolf's fur. The look on Jon's face was sad, hurt; he stared at the ground like he was not even there.

Jon must have heard Loras approach him because he lifted his head and looked at him.

"Hello," Loras said.

"Hello," Jon replied.

"How are you holding up?"

"As well as the last time you asked."

"I'm just checking up on you. Can you blame me for being worried?"

Jon sighed, "You are right, thank you."

"You are welcome. How long have you been here?"

"Long enough. It soothes my heart," Jon paused. "I remember back in Winterfell when father would take Ice and go into out Godswood, sit next to the weirwood tree and polish the blade; he said the silence there helped clear the mind."

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