Chapter 46: The Journey south

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The Journey from Arnor to Dor-en-Ernil was to be taken by the great North-South Road, which was the chief route of communication between the Two Kingdoms except by sea, Númenóreans had ever come, and none had settled there. It was of little concern to the Arnorians, except for the patrolling and upkeep of the great Royal Road. This went all the way from Osgiliath and Minas Tirith to Fornost in the far North, crossed the Fords of Isen and passed through Enedwaith, keeping to the higher land in the centre and north-east until it had to descend to the west lands about the lower Greyflood, which it crossed on a raised causeway leading to a great bridge at Tharbad.

Although Jon had wished to travel by sea, there were too few ships for such a large host, and thus, they must march overland through the lower country and cross into Gondor through the gap in the White Mountains.

During the night, Jon always slept in his tent accompanied by two of his loves since apparently, they had decided so, the first was with Arianne and Daenerys the next with Ashara and Shiera and the most surprising Of all Rhaenys and Írimë were the last. Although Jon did not indulge in the passion of the flesh with his lady loves, the whole camp would hear them, and he was somewhat embarrassed, but this would not discourage Jon from spending the afternoons with his lovers.

The council decided that they would march to the City of Tharbad the guardian of the North built ere the Numenoreans came to the Northern Lands, with long labour a port capable of receiving seagoing vessels had been made at Tharbad, and a fort raised there on great earthworks on both sides of the river, to guard the famed Bridge of Tharbad. But later they penetrated northward as far as the beginning of the great fenlands; though it was still long before they had the need or sufficient men to undertake the great works of drainage and dyke-building that made a great port on the site where Tharbad stood it was the gateway to the North. Enedwaith belonged to neither kingdom nor received no permanent settlements of men of Númenórean origin. But the great North-South Road, which was the chief route of communication between the Two Kingdoms except by sea, ran through it from Tharbad to the Fords of Isen.

According to the instructions of King Elendil, they could be fitted with provisions on Tharbad and then follow the South road to the Fords of Isen before turning westward towards the Isen river and crossing into Gondor through the gap of Ered Nimrale, after which they would turn eastward and travel over the Pinnath Galen and arrive at the seat of Lord Celeborn the fair lands of Dor-en-Ernil.

Glorfindel agreed, considering it an excellent decision since although it would be an exhausting journey, it would be far more straightforward than securing passage for the soldiers aboard several hundred ships.

Though the, even a small one like this, would be a laborious task, especially since the men of Endenwaith eyed them with suspicion, truthfully neither Jon nor Loras nor Robar had led such a great host even during their time among the Tyrells. They would have followed Renly orders, but Renly, the pompous fop that he was, relied on Randyl Tarly's harsh and practical judgment, alas it was not the time for meek hearts and broken wills ... Well, Jon, despite his disdain for Robb, bore grudging respect for his cousin.

To have moved a massive army of 16,000 men from the North to the Riverlands must have been a nightmare made worse after the alliance with the Freys, where Robb's army reached 20,000 men.

Trying to avoid fights between them had already proven exhausting. Jon couldn't imagine what it must be like to lead an army like Robb's being so young despite having the counsel of veterans like the Great Jon Umber and Lady Mormont.

Jon had left Ghost in the woodlands of Arnor as the Direwolf had become the leader of a great pack of wolves that now guarded the borders of the kingdoms, slaying the occasional orc pack or the evil wargs who descended from the mountains to hunt upon the plains. His travels in Middle-Earth were somewhat perilous, so much so that Jon feared to bring his companion into battle, but it seems. Ghost was slightly displeased, and it appeared that Ghost had crossed the ford of Isen and was scouring the countryside preying upon the orcs who were sent to spy upon Isengard.

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