Chapter 42: Return to the Blessed Isle

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Almost two weeks had passed since King Elendil granted their request to let him go to Tol Morwen to build for Maglor the ship that would take him to Valinor, the King of Arnor had provided them with a capable and robust crew of sailors as well as competent carpenters and a few workmen as needed to promptly complete the task they were eager to aid the emissaries especially Jon due to the fame he had gained from his fight with Herenlokë.

Jon was very grateful to the king for his generosity and, as a token of trust with Glorfindel and Daenerys by his side, one frigid and dark night in the tower of kings. He shared the knowledge of his abilities with King Elendil and Anárion; naturally, the great king was intrigued as there were no men in these parts and days whose magic was of such power; Jon had also shared with him that his bond with ghost had filled him with an uncommon savagery, which filled King Elendil with concern about his new knight.

However, the concern was quickly overcome when Jon showed them the power of his dragon blood; the king and his son were amazed by the gift he and Daenerys possessed to be immune to fire was to be blessed, it seemed.

"Immunity to fire is a gift that some members of the House Targaryen possess; we have never known why only that it is a legacy of our ancestors who tamed dragons and formed an empire in the East with fire and blood. Daenerys said, showing Jon's flushed hand to Elendil and Anárion, only to repeat the same feat herself and show them her own unmarred hand.

"Powerful and strange is the blood of the dragonlords from that distant land of Valyria," Said the Great King of Arnor and Gondor with admiration and emotion in his eyes.

"So that's why the fire of the dragon did not affect you," Anárion deduced, remembering that although Jon was seriously injured by his combat with the beast, Elendil's son found it rather strange that he bore no burns.

At that time, Elendil regretted not having any daughter or close relative to marry into these prestigious houses, but he only had two boys, but it would have been rather convenient to have a daughter or at least a niece.

"The dragon never expected the sorcery of my blood; alas, this revelation made the beast no less dangerous," Jon said with a dark expression as he remembered his duel with the Worm, and Dany, worried about her love, gently took his hand in her own, hoping to comfort him.

Jon looked at his Dragon Princess, who just smiled lovingly at him, kissing him tenderly on one cheek and gently laid her head on Jon's chest, not caring that Lord Glorfindel, King Elendil and his son Anárion saw how much love she had for Jon.

"Dany ..." Jon said, ashamed, but the Dragon Princess did not answer, and neither did she plan to separate from him since she had not had Jon to herself for a long time ... And soon she will have to say goodbye to him for months.

The mere thought filled her with sadness, shedding tears at the thought of parting with her white wolf for more than three moons, and that made her hold on to Jon much more tightly.

"Apparently, I will have to ask the members of my Court to stop sending their daughters, nieces, sisters, etc .. to seek the company of Jon," Elendil said, holding back laughter when seeing the scene before his eyes.

"I would appreciate it, King Elendil," Dany said politely, but Jon's blush got worse.

Glorfindel only made a reproachful gesture as he massaged his temples. He already knew the possessive affection that Daenerys and the others had for Jon, but he knew that Jon was rather modest about his lady loves and easily became embarrassed.

"You and your companions are formidable warriors Jon, of that there is no doubt, your command of the great beast of the north and this mastery of ancient sorcery is proof that those strange and unknown lands beyond possess remarkable men who, despite turning away from the light of the Valar and falling into barbarism and cruelty some possess the valour and cunning of our kindred from ages long past, "Anárion said, recognizing the strength that some Westerosi could possess.

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