Chapter 8

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If anything I was starting to like him

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If anything I was starting to like him. He had this soft side that I never experienced. And of course, I let him have me...

Oakley woke up in the living room to the smell of breakfast. His eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room. Y/N stood in the kitchen dressed in summer shorts and a tank top. Her natural hair made her look ethereal.

"Holy shit." He whispered making her jump.

"Don't scare me like that. I thought you were sleeping." She said passing him a plate of food.

He shook his head, "Thank you."

"What's your plan?"

He was taken aback by her tone, "Damn, can I finish eating first before you kick me out?"

Her face softened, "I'm not-"

Y/N was cut off by the doorbell and rapid knocking. Y/N moved to the front door looking through the peephole. Andre and Rashad stood on the other end. Y/N silently began to panic, "Hold on!"

Oakley looked at the door confused but Y/N began cleaning up the evidence, "Go hide. It's my brothers."

"What the fuck. I thought you said they were leaving you alone until tomorrow?" Oakley put on his clothes wincing from the pain.

Y/N's warm hands collided with his body as she forced him into the spare bedroom closet. Rashad was banging on the door at this point, "Open the fucking door. Fuck is taking so long?"

Y/N opened the door out of breath, "Sorry I was getting dressed."

Andre pushed past her, "It ain't nothing to us. Did you cook?"

Dre smiled seeing a ready plate, which was Oakley's before they came. Y/N let him clean the plate while she handed Rashad the bag. He inspected the money inside, "How was the drop?"

Y/N lost all respect in her tone, "Fine. I'm not doing that shit again."

Rashad cleared his throat, "What is up with you? I thought you used to ride for East till we die?"

Y/N sucked her teeth, "Shad stop."

He smirked causing her to squirm, "I forgot, you don't remember shit. Don't forget who almost took you out back then."

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Rashad, go to hell."

Feeling the tension rise Rashad charged at Y/N. His hands locked around her throat as he began to squeeze, "You still remember what it feels like to die little sis?"

Andre pulled on Rashad trying to diffuse the situation, "Stop. You're gonna kill her."

Shad turned to Andre with a cold evil look, "Maybe it's what she needs."

"You're crazy. Let her go!" Andre shouted seeing Y/N turn red.

Rashad let Y/N go. She fell to the floor gasping for air. Andre bent down to Y/N, "You good?"

Y/N pushed Andre away as tears fell from her eyes, "I'm fine."

Andre shoved Rashad against his chest, "You really gonna choke our sister out?"

Rashad sucked his teeth, "Nah, fuck that bitch."

"You really lost your mind. Let's go." Andre drug Shad out of the house.

Oakley appeared once the door slammed shut, "Fuck."

Y/N rubbed her aching neck wiping her eyes, "I'm okay. I'm okay."

He helped her from the floor, "No you're not. Come on."

Oakley sat her on the bed as he packed a bag. Y/N watched him with anxiety, "What are you doing?"

"We're taking a break."


Y/N and Oakley found themselves in an upscale hotel two towns over. He placed her bag down taking her hand. Y/N let him lead her to the bed. She sat down feeling tired.

"I think I gotta leave," Y/N told him waiting for his reaction.

Oakley's face stayed steady, "Why?"

Y/N motioned to her neck, "My own brother choked me out. What if he finds out about us or my sister?"

Oakley smiled, "Darlin' we ain't really nothing right now for him to find out about."

Y/N hit his arm, "I'm serious. We from different sides of the tracks. I can't even be seen with you or else it's a blood bath."

Oakley looked at her pretty doe eyes smirking, "That street shit don't mean nothing."

Y/N scoffed.

"You know I been living this life. I've seen everything. Can't nothing hurt me more than it's already been hurting."

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked feeling slightly confused. He was speaking in riddles.

Oakley looked down at his lap, "I don't know. A long time ago a super close friend of mine. She got hurt really badly. I was being stupid and fucked it up. Now she's gone."

Y/N sighed feeling his sadness. She kissed his lips distracting them from their misery. He kissed her back harder pushing her onto the bed. Y/N moaned lowly as he opened her legs. She pulled off his shirt gripping his muscles.

"Are you sure?" He asked pulling off her shirt.

Y/N nodded pulling off the rest of her clothes. Oakley knew she was giving herself to him. He pulled a condom on and pushed himself into her. Their moans intertwined with the bed creaks. Y/N kissed him all night long.


Y/N rested on Oakley's chest listening to his heartbeat. Thump, thump, thump, thump. She focused on the sounds and after their sex session, she was feeling on top of the world. Oakley searched her body.

He traced a scar that went from her heart to her stomach, "What happened here?"

Y/N looked down at her stomach, "When I was 15 I used to run with my brothers all the time. It was all about the adrenaline for me, I was wild. I used to steal cars. That was my thing."

A moment passed as she tried to recollect her thoughts. Oakley rubbed her scar, "Take your time."

Y/N continued, "I can't remember everything but I was dared to go West side and steal a car. It was the wrong fucking car on the white side of town. They followed me into the night until I crashed. They drug me out of the car and they stabbed me. It was too painful and my brain blocked out the memories."

"You really can't remember anything that happened that night?" Oakley questioned.

Y/N shook her head smiling, "Nah. They said I was with someone. A friend maybe. They were the reason why we got caught. But I can't remember."

Oakley continued rubbing the scar in awe, that's what Y/N thought she saw. He was about to say something when her phone rang. She sighed when she saw it was Rashad.

"What?" She answered but sat up when she heard screams on the other end.

"Y/N!" Her sister shouted over the phone making her heart race.

"I need you here right now!"

Authors Note:

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Sorry for mistakes!

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