Chapter 10

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I always knew there was something off about him. But the fact that he lied to me hurt me even more than knowing about the past...

Y/N slammed her car door shut walking towards the front door. Maya peeked from the window calling out to her sister. Y/N turned back around waving her off, "Stay in the car!"

She banged on the front door with heavy fists. Olivia swung the door open in surprise. Y/N's face softened, "Where's your brother?"

Olivia saw Maya in the car staring back. With furrowed eyebrows, she spoke, "Upstairs. Why? Are you okay?"

Y/N pushed past her moving towards the stairs. Oakley came out of his room hearing the commotion. He saw her unhinged state. Y/N pushed his chest as she approached him, "You lied to me."

Oakley held onto her wrist stopping her in place, "What are you talking about?"

Y/N tried to get him to let go of her, "I know."

She felt his grip loosen on her wrist. Y/N took the time to brush by him heading inside his room. She had never been upstairs. Y/N felt the tears begin to pour down her face when she saw it. Pictures of them from her teen years sat on his dresser next to his gun.

"Y/N, I didn't want to hurt you." He spoke from behind her.

She lifted up the picture frame. She laughed remembering that day. She had snuck out to see him for the first time. He insisted they take a picture. So she sat on his lap on the dock at the lake cheesing under the moonlight.

"You let me think we never met. For years we walked by each other and you knew the entire time." She said wiping her tears.

Y/N flinched as he cradled her face trying to stop her tears, "I couldn't say anything."

He looked hurt when she pulled away not wanting to be touched by him, "Oakley, or should I say Cench? Whatever it is, you can't even admit it, just like you couldn't admit shit all those years ago."

He sucked his teeth, "Man, I was fifteen. We were kids. Cut me some slack."

Y/N felt like she could kill him, "Shut up! Everybody is always trynna control me and my mind. If it's not you sneaking around it's my brothers. You know he beat up Maya for hanging around Olivia? He took pictures of us at the hotel!"

That made his hand twitch, "He what?"

Y/N crossed her arms over her chest feeling the need to vomit, "I can't do this anymore. I had sex with you! Oh my god. I wish you would've just told me."

"I tried but you didn't remember! That night I told you."

Y/N slapped him across the face pissed, "Fuck you! You ain't tell me shit. It doesn't even matter anymore. I'm leaving tonight. So you can forget I ever existed...for good."

She stepped around him as he tried to reach out to her. Y/N quickened her pace moving towards the steps. Maya began honking the horn. Y/N went through the stages of grief all at once when she saw him. 

Victor leaned against his car blocking them in. Y/N wasn't scared of anyone at this point. She walked down the steps towards her driver's side door. Victor clicked his jaw staring at her.

"Hello, Victor. You won't have to worry about me anymore." Y/N spoke holding the door open.

"I see you haven't learned your lesson." He told her reaching for his gun.

Y/N smiled waving him off, "It's okay. I know what you really want. My brother. How about you take him over me." 

That made Victor smile, "Now that's something I didn't expect."

"You can find him at the city hospital. Room 412. Just don't shoot his baby's mother or my niece."

Victor nodded, "I should ask you why you're giving me the green light."

Y/N could feel all emotion leave her eyes as she slid into her car, "Sometimes our demise is from one of our own."

She sped off into the night watching as his house got smaller the farther she drove away. Y/N pulled up to her shop. Maya looked around worried, "Are we really leaving."


Y/N went into her store opening the safe. She smiled seeing her life-saving safe. She pushed all of the money into the duffle bag. She looked around the shop one last time before leaving the store. 

Y/N handed Maya the duffle bag as she got onto the highway. 

"Where are we going?" Maya asked watching the sunrise.

"Where do you wanna go?"

Maya shrugged her shoulders, "How about someplace tropical?"

Y/N nodded, "Alright."

She watched as Maya dosed off in the seat. Y/N pulled out her cell phone dialing Amber's number. She sighed in relief when she heard Amber's voice.

"You missed the birth," Amber said rocking her baby back and forth.

Y/N felt tears pool into her eyes once again. She shook her head getting rid of the sadness in her heart, "I know. What'd you name her?"

"I gave her your middle name. It's so pretty. I know you didn't ask for this life but you've always supported me through this. Are you coming to see me soon?"

She shook her head even though Amber couldn't see her, "I'm just calling to say I'm sorry."

"For what?"

She didn't answer as she hung up the phone. But Y/N continued to drive. Leaving the mess of her old life behind. It was time for her to do the most forbidden thing ever...leave.

Authors Note:

ummmmmmmm....maybe one more chapter and then the epilogue

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sorry for mistakes

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