scene vi.

99 8 11

I am

so tired

I'll post all the art shenanigans I got up to in my classes soon, right now I want to format this chapter. It's been too long but I am finally finally done!!

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"Papers, please."

     Out of habit, Hawker's talon flicked towards the wood case strapped to his chest, but at the last second remembered it only held Demi's letter. He explained as such, "They got lost in the invasion. My grandfather has copies at home." Please let me in...

     "Who's he?"

     "Lord Gomphus." Pleaaase make an exception...

     Then, for some reason, his stomach twisted in guilt at using his family name so lightly to get what he wanted. He tried to shake the feeling off and raised his head higher. I am Hawker, son of Pondhawk and heir to Gomphus' estate. I am Demi's future husband... a small smile found its way onto Hawker's face. I will take what I am owed.

     The border guard glanced at him in shock, then let him pass. Hawker confidently walked down the wooden platform and out of the shade of the arbour the guards were posted under. Every mountain spire bordering the edge of the territory had a guard post built on it. The army had fanned out to multiple ones to speed up the process. Any missing dragons would be reported to the Queen. After that, they were free to go wherever they wanted.

     Hawker was going home, and he dreaded it.

     He tried not to think about it much.

     The Slums were close to the border, so he had to fly over them first. The mid-morning sun had already burned the fog away so it was easy to see the slim shacks. He thought of Diddy and Jewel and even though the memories pained him he should be the one to tell their families – the officials would come eventually, but it would be cruel to make them hope any longer. He already knew how they would look at him and he hated that he had to tell them their dragonets were dead, but it had to be done. He changed course, flying northeast.

     One day, when they'd had no luck in searching the Seaside Market, it had been too late to go home so Hawker and Demi had needed to stay with their friends. Jewel's parents had first insulted then ignored them. It had been a thoroughly awkward encounter, but neither Hawker nor Demi had expected anything civil to begin with. Jewel had apologized and although they told her she didn't need to, that was the day they truly realized the rift between the four of them.

     How would they react when he told them their daughter was dead?

     His wings brought him to the section they lived in, which was close to the coast in a mangrove swamp. Their shacks were built to float on the river, which was just a line of the swamp where they'd cleared the trees out. Jewel lived on the outskirts, closer to the ocean, while Diddy lived closer to the middle.

     He chose to look for Diddy's hut first. Dragons stared at him as he landed and while he was skinny for a DartWing he was nowhere skinny as them. They looked like walking skeletons and were much shorter than he. Hawker felt ashamed to even look at them.

     Grimly, Hawker approached a red DartWing who was tending to a fishing net. He decided a mix of manners and informality should be the best approach. "Excuse me?" he asked.

     The dragon ignored him at first and then looked at him warily as if he wasn't sure he was the one being addressed. Hawker repeated his question.

     "Yea?" asked the stranger.

     "Do you know a dragon named Diddy?"

     Instantly, his eyes hardened. "Are ya that Snob friend of his?"

Wings of Fire • Journey of Metamorphosis [Book 2]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu