scene xi.

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This is the new format I'm trying out, with the Act title as its own separate part! I will be going back and adding the other dragons soon. I have almost all of Eight's book done and a couple from this one, but I have a secret project going on which means y'all have to wait a bit. I will for sure have book 3's profiles ready before I start posting ;)

Please enjoy!

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"Come inside."

     Hawker did, stone silent. Gomphus moved from the foyer into the sitting room, his face emotionless and unreadable, which was worse than if fury was written all over it. He couldn't predict what he would do. And then as quickly as he had the thought, he shut it down.

     Why would you need to read him? Relax. But he couldn't. Eight is doomed, Hawker thought. I'll be supervised so heavily that I won't be able to do anything to free her. How am I supposed to-

     "Tell me, Hawker, why I find myself disappointed in your ability to follow simple orders?" The look on Gomphus' face was enough to choke Hawker. He was at the end of his tether. Hawker opened his mouth to answer only for nothing to come out. This did not help the situation. Leaning down so they were eye-to-eye, Gomphus said in an icy voice, "Answer me."

     Still mute, Hawker brought up his bandaged talon, then pointed to his head and lifted his tail.

     Gomphus' lip curled and Hawker knew that the excuse was just as futile as he'd imagined it to be. "Are you not a soldier? Are you not trained to fly with broken wingtips?" As his voice lowered to a dangerous tone, Hawker wanted nothing more than to shrink into himself. "You had an easy job, Hawker, and you could not complete it."

     "I am sorry," he said, and regretted it.

     "'Sorry', doesn't fix anything." Hawker blinked at the use of a contraction, but Gomphus continued as if his formal dialogue hadn't slipped. "Your room is at the top of the stairs on the left. Chaser is there waiting to dress you. Get rid of these unsightly scraps, as there will be royalty present."

     "Yes, Sir." Hawker walked away as fast as he could without being accused of running. A staircase wrapped around the right side of the sitting room. Hawker climbed it and disappeared into the room he'd been assigned to, glad to be out of Gomphus' sight for now. As he was told, Chaser was waiting inside.

     "Ah, Hawker," they approached with a smile, "any later and I'd have begun to worry!"

     "What's happening?" he asked as he was led to the center of the room, where he noticed robes were waiting next to the bed on a set of hangers.

     "Queen Wasp is holding the first celebratory banquet tonight – or have you forgotten?"

     A banquet? First? Hawker was slightly recharged at the thought of food but simultaneously drained at the realization of what he was about to endure. Mental acrobatics after a frog attack, alliance-switching and flying across northern Pantala was not ideal. He was afraid he would slip up and botch the mission by revealing something about Atta.

     At the same time, he was unsure how to handle this switch in Gomphus' personality. It seemingly came out of nowhere and Hawker couldn't pinpoint the moment it had begun. Where Grandfather had been lightly strict before and exuded a natural authority, now he seemed to command obedience and his aura promised retribution if it was not given.

     Although what retribution could he possibly enact on me? I'm his grandson!

     "Is the healing progressing any better?" Chaser asked as they examined Hawker's bandages.

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