scene xii.

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I am SO SORRY that the update took so long. My only excuse was that I got a crackpot idea... make an animation! And then today I wasn't satisfied with the final scene and rewrote it THREE TIMES and not I finally think it's half decent and I should just press publish because sometimes too much overthinking is bad. I hope this update was worth the wait!

And about the animation... You don't have to watch it, but if you do, it's complementary with the chapter. I would recommend to watch it before, but they always say the book is better than the adaptation. Also my sound editing isn't the greatest, so sorry about that XD 

But now that it's done I promise no surprise projects. I'm back to my once a week schedule! I'll stop talking and let you read now XD

(P.S.: Hawker is dumb, but we already know that, don't we?)

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"Before I continue, I would like to thank Queen Wasp and her General Flycatcher for their work over the last fifty years. I am sure that without their soldiers, we would not have succeeded in our recent victory. It is because of them that we can eat a cooked dinner tonight and this match is a celebration of our victory!"

     The following applause was thunderous and jarred Hawker's jumbled senses. If he had eaten anything, it would have come up on the floor, and he felt ready to faint.

     Traditional wingboxing?

     When the applause died down, Gomphus continued: "Once again, my thanks to you, Your Majesty, for letting us entertain you tonight. I know that you are familiar with the sport, but some of your sisters are not, thus I shall give a brief explanation.

     As his grandfather spoke Hawker's wings began to shake. "Wingboxing was originally used by princesses to challenge their queens for the throne. It quickly grew popular, soon finding its way into the law, allowing the nobles and commoners to claim and dispute territory. Many rules were added but the prevailing one was that only one dragon could remain alive."

     Only one? Hawker glanced at Demi, who was staring at him in shock. Did she-

     "Today," boomed Gomphus' voice across the hall, "you can no longer challenge to kill, and tournaments have banned the use of lethal force. Of course, you can still kill to expand your estate, just don't let Queen Darner catch you."

     The crowd laughed. Laughed. The Four Generals laughed. Master Anatya laughed. Queen Wasp, seated at the place of honour, was laughing the hardest. It was cold and cruel and made Hawker's pulse race. He was assaulted by the nobles' laughter, churning the air around him. Hawker's gaze, which had bounced from laughing dragon to laughing dragon, finally caught a small green form. Acantha was standing opposite him, positioned in front of Queen Wasp's seat. Her eyes were hard with...


     It was focus.

     We're the entertainment. My grandfather arranged for us to fight. The truth sunk in, leaving Hawker terrified. He couldn't think father than the opponent in front of him. Clear your mind. He blinked once, twice, and then breathed as deeply as he could. In through the nose... hold it for one, two, three, then slowly release through the mouth. His heart, which has been pounding in his skull, relaxed after a few controlled breaths. He opened his eyes when he was ready.

     As if he had been waiting for him, Gomphus continued in an enthusiastic voice, spreading his wing to gesture to the young dragon in front of Hawker. "In Queen Wasp's corner, defending her title as the top wingboxer of the Spires, we have my Champion, Acantha."

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