scene xv.

115 8 7


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The bidding began.

     "Ten thousand!"



     "Eleven thousand Scales!"

     As the numbers steadily climbed, Hawker's eyes flicked to the dragons that kept repeatedly calling. It looked like a battle between General Idion and one of the HiveWing sisters, Hawker wasn't sure which. Each bid increased by about five or seven hundred Scale intervals. At any time, one of them could call an outrageous number and the other would fold. But this late in the auction, no one wanted to 'waste' Scales on just another AntWing. No one wanted to pay more than what they thought she was worth.

     Hawker watched this anxiously, waiting for Gomphus to cut in.

     "Thirteen thousand four hundred!"

     "Fourteen thousand!"

     They're slowing down, Hawker realized. Any minute now, the HiveWing would fold and General Idion would win. Unless Gomphus would step in...

     But he didn't.

     His eyes darted toward the green dragon. What is he waiting for? Eight's bid had reached fourteen thousand. The HiveWing was calling less and less.

     He shifted his weight and Demi caught on. She'd been sending nervous glances at Hawker any time she thought Gomphus wasn't looking. Now, both of them met each other's eyes. Should Hawker dare to bid on Gomphus' behalf? Would the older dragon interfere?

     "Fourteen thousand two-hundred and seventy. Going once... going twice..."

     Hawker was about to lift his wing...

     "Twenty thousand!"

     He spun to the source of the voice. It wasn't Gomphus. He couldn't tell if she'd been there the entire time, but Lady Jewel was sitting at a small table off to the side with her mother.

     "At the last second, Lady Jewel swoops in and steals Q-984 at twenty thousand!" the announcer called. "Does General Idion wish to continue?" Hawker held his breathe in the silence. "Twenty thousand going once..."

     The General's wing twitched as if to rise.


     Hawker leaned forward as if he could reach over and keep the General's wing down.

     "SOLD to Lady Jewel of the HiveWings!"

     In the muted applause that followed, Hawker wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but that would be too obvious on top of his already suspicious behaviour. He didn't even want to sneeze in Gomphus' direction as he knew the older dragon was watching him closely. Instead, he touched his hind talon to Demi's, feeling their tension leave them. He relaxed back into his place. It's not exactly according to plan, but close enough. If Gomphus is planning to stay an extra day then we can slip out in the middle of the night while the Hive is sleeping; it's perfect.

     "Is this the extra AntWing?" Gomphus asked, gesturing to Eight as servants climbed the platform to return her to the curtained holding area.

     "Yes, she is," Hawker answered absentmindedly. He glanced at Lady Jewel to see if she would send some sort of signal, but she was busy arguing with her mother. Demi patted his talon with hers, telling him to relax. Hawker tried to.

Wings of Fire • Journey of Metamorphosis [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now