scene xiii.

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As you might have noticed, there's a couple of extra chapters with this one! This is the new format I am using! I always wanted the Act title as a separate part, to not be too busy with the actual chapter itself, but I didn't want to do a blank page. I didn't know what to put on it until now... it has the character designs! If you have an established image of the character and you don't want to change it, then ignore them, otherwise you can check them out if you want! Quest for Autonomy also has all of its characters included.

Also, if you ever get a concussion, don't do what Hawker does. Go see a doctor no matter how 'mild' and listen to what they say. 

Now, on to for the chapter...

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He knew he was alone when he woke up because he was cold. At some point, Demi must have left, which meant it was at least after dawn, which they'd agreed upon last night. But what time exactly?

     Wait... last night! His groggy mind slipped into panic, only just now realizing what today was. The curtains were drawn and he couldn't tell what position the sun was in.

     He shot up quickly, instantly regretting it. He was hit with a wave of dizziness and a blackout. It quickly went away, which meant it likely wasn't related to his concussion. In fact, he had no more symptoms – no headache after that momentary bought of dizziness, which felt more like sitting up too quickly anyway. No nausea. The light seeming in from behind the curtains didn't hurt his eyes, and there was no double vision. A doctor would tell him to relax and not do anything strenuous for a week but Hawker was on a deadline with more important things to worry about.

     He still couldn't remember the fight, which was not good, but with time he might remember. Demi had helped him fill in the blanks anyway, and the mission for Eight was more important than a mild concussion.

     Today is the day. At sunset tonight, the auction would begin, and he and Demi would be long gone with Eight in tow.

     Food first, he thought as his stomach rumbled, and medicine.

     But even though he was hungry, it was probably better that he take medicine first. As he passed through the apartment, he found Chaser waiting in the front sitting room. They gasped and rushed to his side. "You're awake! How are you feeling?"

     "Alright, mostly. Just hungry."

     "I'll send for some food right away! And Demoiselle said to bring a doctor once you woke. Which would you like first?"

     "Food," Hawker said. A doctor visit would take too long. Eight didn't have that time, and even if it was noon, Hawker wouldn't want to wait any longer. Once Chaser left, he slowly walked up the stairs, making sure to keep his head stable. How am I going to escape with Eight when even the slightest movement could be dangerous for me? He decided to skip the pain extract and only took the medicine for infection. If his head was hurting, he would need to know. He also rewrapped the bandage on his wrist, cursing as it was difficult to wrap and hold Taproot's vial in place by himself. It took him so long that he was only just tying it off when Chaser returned.

     It looked like they brought one of each dish. Slabs of dark meat, still steaming, and oozing fragrant smells. Baskets of greens, both cooked and raw, packed to the brim, as well as an entire pitcher of fresh orange juice. The smell of the meat made his stomach growl and Hawker wasted no time filling himself. He barely remembered to thank Chaser before he dove in. Forsaking manners, Hawker ate with his talons, using them to hold the steak in place while he bit long, thin strips to swallow whole. Most of the seafood he ate at home was eaten in one bite, so he did the same here.

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