scene x.

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So Atta's group keeps growing. I hadn't planned on it but opportunities popped up and Hawker took it... whether others answer the call is up to them >:)

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The noon sun was bright and hot at the top of the canopy. Taproot was just as green as the surrounding forest, which made picking him out among the foliage difficult. "And remember," he said, "Lady Atta said three days! Good luck. I hope the antidote works!"

     Me, too, Hawker thought, feeling the vials hidden under the bandages on his wrist. There was more on his head, and his tail was free, but the vials were wrapped in the bandages just under his spikes. They hid them perfectly. He leapt off the branch and into the sky with nerves twisting his stomach into knots.

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As he drew close, Hawker turned over the new information in his head to make sure he had it all right.

     While trying to leave the Poison Jungle Lady Atta and her allies were spotted by HiveWing tree cutters. During the fight, Eight somehow got separated from the group and paralyzed. The others couldn't get to her in time because they were still occupied by the battle.

     This left one important problem to decipher: where would the HiveWings have taken her? Straight to Wasp Hive or instead to Bloodworm Hive first, because that was where the other prisoners would be taken from?

     Furthermore, Gomphus' concerns about Queen Wasp and Lady Bloodworm cheating the DartWings out of their 'fair share' kept circling in his mind. If they got an extra AntWing last minute, would they send her to the auction? Or would they keep her there? They seemed to love the flamesilk and Hawker wouldn't be surprised if they kept Eight to themselves. No one in the capitol would know, and Queen Wasp would probably be happy to have an extra AntWing.

     Ugh, I can't believe I pretended this was normal! He wanted to smack his past self, but he couldn't change the way he'd acted then.

     With great reluctance, because he would be losing time if he took the detour, Hawker flew as fast as he could to Bloodworm Hive. The flight muscles on his back burned hot. His dark scales absorbed the sunlight and if it weren't for the generosity of Dr Cycad, he would have fainted from dehydration long ago.

     Still, he glared at the sun. And I still have to fly for the rest of the day. It looked like some clouds were gathering in the north so they would hopefully give him some respite. But he wouldn't have it any other way. He was glad to be doing something worthwhile for the first time in his life. When he thought back to his years of training and hunting for Dazzling, it felt like he'd wasted them. But of course, he hadn't wasted them if-

     His wings stopped beating.

     Dazzling! My father!

     He'd forgotten.

     Ever since his father's death, he'd never lived a day without remembering him. For the longest time, he woke up angry and lost and went to sleep feeling no different. But now, with the Invasion and everything that happened after, he'd somehow forgotten. Last night – or earlier this morning – he should have made time. But he'd been so tired, and then the frog had nearly killed him.

     The worst part was that now he only felt guilt. Usually, imagining his father's death brought anger at Dazzling. As he tried to summon his usual hate, he found it missing. Instead, he was hollow.

     This realization saved his life because he blinked, finding himself free-falling. His wings had stopped working and he'd forgotten. Forgotten. Buzzing back to life, he glided until he touched down on the dusty arid plains. He still felt like he'd left a part of him behind.

Wings of Fire • Journey of Metamorphosis [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now