! Q Quackity x reader

810 13 18

Spoiler warning for some ppl💪🏻 and Tw for describing gore 🤧
Male reader again 🦅🦅🔛🔝
It's so short omfg I'm going to cryyyyy



Y/n,tilin, slime and Juanaflippa, where standing close to Y/N's house as they were fighting of skeletons. A skeleton got a little to close to tilin for Y/N's liking and he quickly stepped infront of tilin.

"Tilin watch out!—" Y/n was cut of by a sharp pain going his back, the sword of Charlie was piercing through Y/n. Everything was quiet for a few seconds, before a bloody scream came from tilin, as Y/n fell to the ground. " oh.. fuck. Fuck omg— okay tilin clam down! We— we just have to put Y/n to bed, he is just so sleepy!" Charlie said as his eyes are filled with terror. Dragging Y/n into his house while trying to stop tilin and juanaflippa from crying wasn't exactly easy for Charlie.

He had almost gotten Y/n into his shared bed with quackity, until they heard Loud nocks. "Guapo estoy en casa, donde estas"( handsome im home, where are you? ) quackity yelled out for Y/n. " shit. Shit,shitt-" Charlie frantically tried to get out of there, Y/N's blood still stained in his shirt.
As quackity walked into the room "mi corazón are you in here?—"( my heart) quackity stopped dead in his tracks. "Wha— Y/N?! SLIME WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?! ¡HIJO DE PUTA!" (You fucker!)
Quackity ran towards Y/n." Oh.. what did he do to you?" Quackity said in a low, sad voice. Tilin ran up to him and hugged him.

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