Chapter 1

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I was zoning out in class and thinking about how Ongsa, my best friend, have recently started drifting away from me to focus on her dating life with her girlfriend, Sun. I'm not possessive or anything but she's been my best friend for 5 years and someone stole her heart in the span of 2 months. Maybe I'm just spiraling but everyone always says that the people you once knew wont act the same once they have a faen. Not that I'm jealous over her love life, but now that I think about it, would've been nice if I had a faen too.
"Ai ter, why do you look like you're drowning in your thoughts?" Ongsa said, tapping my shoulder. "Could you at least help with this question? What's the brightest star in Milky Way?" she said pointing to the paperwork we're currently doing in pairs. "Meung" I said ironically while giving her a miniheart. Ongsa slapped the back of my head "Meung, my ass. How are you gonna pass Astronomy class if you can't even answer a simple question? Forget it. I'll do it, but don't come running to your best friend if you fail your exams."
"P'Ongsa kub, I'm sorry na kub. Fine. I'll help." I know Ongsa hates it when I call her Phi because it makes her feel old even though she's only 3 months older than me.
First period of Astronomy class was finally finished but we're going to the second period in half an hour. "Ongsa, do you want t-" I couldn't even finish my words because Ongsa's phone rang, showing "Ongsa's Sun" as the caller. "Ew." I thought. People in love are gross. It's not as narak pui mui as what other people say when you're the one third wheeling. "Sorry dude, duty calls." said Ongsa before she quickly picked up the phone and briskly walked to her Sun's classroom who's now sitting in 11th grade, just beside ours. Everyone left the class already, but I was too lazy to leave since we're gonna have the next period in this class anyway so... why bother?
Just as I thought I was alone, I saw an unfamiliar face who I'd never seen in school before. Maybe he's new? He was turning the papers back and forth and it looked like he was revising what we just learned before. What a nerd. He looked so serious and I couldn't hold a chuckle. I scrunched a piece of paper and threw it at him.

He snapped out of his seriousness and looked back

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He snapped out of his seriousness and looked back. His eyebrows frowned as he asked, "Phi, why did you throw it at me?" How cute, he called me phi. Do I look that old to him? Aren't we the same age?
"I just wanted to say hi. You look so serious. It's recess anyway, why aren't you taking a break?" I asked.
"I'm here because of an academic scholarship. Now leave me alone because I really can't flop otherwise I'll lose it" he replied before turning back and continuing to write down on his notes. I let out a little smile because he sulks like a kid. I wanted to bother him some more to see how long he could last before losing his shit, so I got up my seat, sat next to him, and rest my palm upon my cheek on the table. "So... phi, huh? Aren't we the same age? Or do I look old to you?" I said. He exhaled, rolled his eyes, and completely ignored me. "So this is how it's going to play out. What are you doing anyway?" I looked at his notes and it was full of Astronomical drawings the teacher drew on the board as well as the description. Only smart people are diligent enough to draw precisely on their notes. "Can you please leave me alone? I'm trying to focus here." He said looking at me with all seriousness in his eyes. "You're not going to answer what I asked?"
"Fine. I got an acceleration that resulted in the school giving me a full ride scholarship so I'm a year younger than everyone else here so that's why I called you phi. Happy? Now could you please leave me alone?" he said in a sulky tone before turning back to his papers. Huh. This kid is hard to dissect through. I've never met anyone who refused to talk to me before. Now I'm even more curious.
"What's your name?" I asked nicely. Nong completely ignored me. I looked at his papers and saw Night written in the name field. "Pretty name" I thought. "Night, huh? Nice meeting you. I'm North." I said smiling while the kid is still completely ignoring me. "You know, a 5 minute break would do you good before we start the next period. Don't you feel bad for your brain? A little break wouldn't make you lose your scholarship, you know?" I said, still trying to make Night talk to me. "And who are you to order me around?" he finally answered. "Your future friend, I hope? Look, you look stressed out. Hold on." I said before going back to my table to look for my bag. As I was rummaging it, Night looked at my direction with confusion. "Found it." I said, pulling out a bar of chocolate. I walked back to where Night was and handed it to him. "Here, study says chocolate could improve blood flow to the brain and increase attention span. It could help you focus more on whatever you're doing, if you really aren't taking a break."
"We've only just met and you're giving me chocolate already like it's Valentine's day. Are you hitting on me?" said Night jokingly with a freakishly annoying smirk. Now I'm the one annoyed. But I don't want my good image to be ruined so I went along and said "Why, do you want to be hit on? If you do, I'll start flirting with you then." I said staring deeply into his eyes to annoy him even more.
"Seua" he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear before turning back to his studies and ignoring the chocolate. The bell rang, indicating that the second period will start soon. Everyone came back to class and sat down. "Were you here the whole time?" said Ongsa. "I wouldn't be if you didn't leave me all alone to be with your girlfriend." I said. "Not my fault that you're the one single." she said mockingly. "A lot of people want to date you, North. Open your heart for once, will you? It's not a bad idea to have someone to love, you know. Maybe you can get something off of it."
"Fun dates. Late night talks. Sleep call. Someone to hold your hand. All that stuff."
As I was about to look at Night's direction again, everyone who sat back down was already covering it. "Aw, I shouldn't have sat in the very back." I thought.
Halfway through the class, the person sitting behind Night left, so now I'm able to see him. I didn't know what I expected, but it's definitely not him eating the chocolate I gave him because I thought he threw it away or gave it to someone. "Eating the chocolate I gave you, huh?" I said quietly even though I meant to say it in my head. "Who are you talking to?" Ongsa looked at me confused. "Oh, nothing." I said while changing the topic. I slowly looked towards Night again who seem to be enjoying the chocolate I gave him while also thinking, "If I can just crack your code, surely one day you'll be my friend. I'm not one to give up that easily, Night."

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