Chapter 14

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Ongsa's POV
I was enjoying the enjoying the leftover bread North had and sat down beside him on the couch with my legs crossed. I turned on the TV and put on a series to watch before North started a conversation.
"Your brother really is something"
"I've known you for so long but how come you never told me about him?"
"Why do I need to? I know your sister but I've literally never even talked to her even if we meet. It's an unnecessary information." I replied.
"But I could've met him sooner—
Seriously, what is going on? What's he trying to say?
"—how's he only here now?"
I'm getting even more confused, but his facial expression looks like it's begging for an explanation.
"Before I turned 18, I lived with my aunt and Night lived with our parents in Pattaya. A few weeks before my birthday, Night received a full scholarship in our school because of his academic excellence. I moved out of my aunt's place and back into my parents' house in the city that they bought for us, and Night moved in shortly after. He had a rough past back in Pattaya, and he said that he's never been happier living here. Is that enough for an explanation?" I said.
"Rough past?"
"Yeah, well, in the school he went to back home, he was severely bullied. They teased, harassed, and abused him, and even called him inappropriate names. He's been a quiet kid ever since then. I actually have never seen him talk to anyone in class except you."
I continued eating my bread and watching the TV but I could see that North was still trying to process what I said.
"Don't tell Night I told you this, though. It might be a sensitive topic for him."
He nodded, but I'm still curious. Why is he asking these questions all of a sudden?
"By the way, why are you asking me this?"
"Well... Don't freak out but, hypothetically, if I were to be in a relationship with your brother, would you... be okay with that?"
I stopped chewing and face him with all the seriousness I have in me.
"You want to... WHAT?"
"I said hypothetically!"
"That didn't sound hypothetical at all!"
"But... how would you answer that?"
"Absolutely not. I thought you guys were flirting in a jokingly way, trying to become friends or whatever because you're my best friend and my brother should get to know you, but if you're serious about this, I won't let you."
"Come on, North. Wake up. I've been friends with you long enough to witness your past 'relationships' with your toys one after another. I mean, it changes every single week. I won't let you hurt my brother."
"But he's the only one who gave me a feeling I've never felt before."
What feeling? Love feeling? They've known each other for what, two months?
"North, my baby brother is a fragile kid. You often fight people when you're pissed or when you're in an illegal wrestling ring. You were in a motorcycle gang who once burned down a building and you smoke. I'm okay with it because I'm immune to your doings and you've always been nothing but nice to me. I hope you understand why I'm trying to protect my brother from you."
North's face immediately went sad because everything I said was true. He shook his head in disbelief and looked like he held onto some regret because of his past actions.
"—But... I haven't seen you misbehave since the semester started. Around 2 months ago, I think. What shifted?"
North took some time to think before answering. He smiled a little. Weirdo.
"Well... At first I didn't have any intention to change myself. I never cared about my grades. I never cared about my future. I never cared about anything or anyone. Well, except you and maybe Nara, but mostly you. You know that."
North never had a good relationship with his parents since they're busy all the time,  so he grew up with his babysitters and the people working in his house.  As he stepped into his teenage years, he started to wonder why his parents weren't like his other classmates who get so much love and attention. His father moved to Singapore with Nara since their parents divorced, when he was around 6 years old. He pretends to be strong and acts up whenever someone pisses him off, but deep down, he's a pretty lonely kid who have already cried on my shoulders a few times. He has many friends, mostly from whatever illegal organizations and groups he's involved in, but he said that I'm the only person he's ever fully opened up to. We've always taken good care of each other ever since this friendships started, and I'd always look out for him, he'd always look out for me. Even though he's nothing but the best of the best friend I ever had, I'm still unsure about him being in a relationship with Night because I don't want him hurting my baby brother otherwise if he does something he's not supposed to that'll turn our friendship upside down, I'd lose one of the most important people in my life. On the other hand, I know that North is the best at looking out for other people because protects them like they're the most precious thing in his life and knows how to fight, say the right words to win over people's hearts, and also he's a good soul once you get to know him.
I'm unsure, but... if we never try, how will we know? You know what? Fuck it. Let's do this.
"North, if I hand you my little brother, will you be able to take care of him more than you've taken care of me?"
"You're a little dramatic, but you already know that I've never been in a serious relationship so this whole thing just proves how serious I am about it. It's all new to me."
I paused and thought about what he said. It's true, he never had any faen before. He's had numerous one night stands but he never asked for their names nor their number. If he wasn't serious about Night, he wouldn't have asked me for my blessing. This really is serious.
"Okay then. You have my permission."
"Really?!" he said cheering and smiling. He rarely smiles with his teeth, but when he does, it's always because of something he's genuinely happy about. Good for him.
He immediately ran upstairs and left me in the living room without saying thank you. Jerk.

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