Chapter 10

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Night's POV
North has been driving for a little over 20 minutes. I remember when he said his house was in the Ari area, so it took us a little longer on the road. A few minutes passed and we've finally arrived. I never expected what his house looked like but it's certainly not this.

Damn, is he rich? I didn't even know houses like these existed in Thailand, let alone in Bangkok

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Damn, is he rich? I didn't even know houses like these existed in Thailand, let alone in Bangkok. Now I'm embarrassed because my house is probably 10 times smaller than his. "Come on, let's go inside" he said while grabbing my hand again out of habit.
As I walked in, I was amazed by the high ceiling and luxurious furniture. The house was so big that it looked a little lonely with only the two of us there. "Where's everyone?" I asked.
"Yeah, your mom or your dad, perhaps?"
"Oh... them... They're not home often... The last time I saw them was actually a month ago. They still live here, but they usually leave before I go to school and come home after I'm already asleep."
North said it so casually and I can't help but think how lonely it must've been.
"Don't you feel lonely?" I asked.
"When I was little, yeah. As I grew older I started making lots of friends. I never had anyone to tell me what was good or bad, so maybe it's one of the reasons why I turned out a little more fucked up than the others."
What does that mean?
"Fucked up? What do you mean?"
"Oh, nothing. Let's go upstairs to the office. We can use that room to study." he said while leading me to the stairs. He opened the door to what seemed to be a home office.

Woah, this room looks amazing

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Woah, this room looks amazing. If I had this kind of room in my house I would've never stopped studying.
"Do you want to change?" he asked.
"To what?"
"I'll get my pajamas for you."
North walked outside leaving me all alone. I looked around the bookshelf to see if I could find anything interesting. Usually people would display some pictures in each room in their house, but I haven't seen a single picture of North and his family. Have they got some kind of problem?
A short while after, North was fully changed into something more comfortable and handed me his pajamas. He pointed to the bathroom and told me to go change before we could start studying.
After I fully changed, I looked at the mirror to see how his clothes looked on me. Wow, this is too big.
I walked outside, back to the office where North was, and he looked at me from head to toe before smiling.
"What?" I asked with a frown.
"Nothing. You look cute. My pajamas are oversized on you."
I blushed a little before brushing it off by saying "Okay, what do you wanna study first?"
"Hmm, Astronomy maybe? It's one of the subjects I struggle the most. Other subjects too to be honest, but not as much as Astronomy."
"Go get your book then."
He took the book from his bag alongside his notebook and stationeries. He looked really adorable in his studying mode and I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm.
"Where should we start, Ajarn? (Teacher)"
I chuckled before starting the chapter of a topic he didn't understand.
A few hours have passed, and the sun has already set. It was time for dinner, but we still have so much to study. I thought North could pick up things quickly if he at least put some effort, but no. He really is that slow. It took us 30 minutes to finish a worksheet that should've only taken 3 minutes. My stomach started growling, but I tried ignoring it. North on the other hand, heard it. He picked up the phone from the desk and said "Could you please just bring dinner upstairs? Kophun kub"  before hanging up the phone. A few minutes later a maid entered the door with a cart full of food. What is this?
"Appetizer, main course, dessert. Like always" she said before leaving. She left the cart there for us to choose from.
Is North, like, some kind of royalty or something? He's even got maids to deliver food to this room.
"I know you're hungry. Let's eat before going back to our studies" he said before walking towards other table to eat.
Pad krapow. Both of our favorites.
We ate quite quickly over the three courses served because we were both hungry. I felt sleepy after finishing all the food, and it's is a typical thing for me to sleep right after dinnertime that's why I usually sleep very early.
We went back to our studies but I started yawning. North looked at me with a smile on his face before saying "Sleepy, huh?"
"Your eyes don't lie. It's practically shut"
"But you still need to study to pass the class!"
"We still have time tomorrow, Night."
I yawned again for the 3rd time.
"You should stay over tonight. The weather is getting bad and I don't want you catching a cold"
"And sleep with you?"
"Of course not. I respect your privacy. I have guest rooms. You can stay in one of them"
"But tomorrow is a weekday"
"You can use my uniform. I'll ask Ongsa for permission"
I gave it a thought and to be honest, it's much more convenient this way because I don't have to waste my energy on going back and fourth tomorrow. Plus, I like the morning Bangkok air and it would be much faster to ride a motorcycle than a car.
"Okay" I agreed.
He led me to one of the guest bedrooms and told me "If you need anything, my room is beside yours. The bathroom is just beside the nightstand on that door over there"
Even the guest bedrooms has its own bathroom.
"Fan dee na (Sweet dreams), Night. I'll see you tomorrow" he said before patting my head and left.
The room is probably as big as all of the bedrooms in my house combined, so I felt somehow paranoid.

If the guest bedroom is already this big, then how big must the master bedroom be? I started laying down on the king sized bed, and fear suddenly came rushing through me

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If the guest bedroom is already this big, then how big must the master bedroom be?
I started laying down on the king sized bed, and fear suddenly came rushing through me. I'm not used to having this much space, so it feels way too lonely to the point where I got even more scared. Situations decline even more as the lights started dimming on its own. "Shia! I can't do this"
I ran outside straight to the bedroom beside me, and knocked brutally on the door. I looked left and right to an empty hallway with nobody around. I got even more scared because I was the only one outside. Sorry, North. I couldn't handle my fear anymore so I just barged in because North wasn't answering. When I walked inside, all I could see was shirtless North with a towel wrapped around him.
"Night? What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost" he asked me while still rubbing his wet hair with a towel. I could feel the room getting hot and my cheeks getting red.
"Uh— Sorr- Uh—"
North raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. But I was still speechless because this man didn't even bother to put on a shirt to talk to me.
"Uh— The room was... too big for me to be in, so I got scared. Can I stay in this room instead?" I asked with my eyes looking everywhere but him because if I started making eye contact I would straight up just ask P'Ongsa to pick me up.
"Haha, sure. I don't have an extra mattress, are you fine with sleeping beside me?"
My heart just beat 10 times faster because of the way he said it.
"Yeah, of course. We can look away from each other if that helps" I said. I didn't want this whole thing to be weird, so I know the both of us are trying to keep a far distance as much as possible.
This is going to be a long night.

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