Chapter 13

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North's POV
A few weeks have passed and we've been studying so much that I went cross-eyed but Night seemed to be enjoying it. He's now comfortable enough to get angry at me whenever I didn't understand his explanation.
"Even a 7th grader can understand this!"
"Is your brain as slow as a turtle?"
"Do it again otherwise you won't be eating dinner!"
Puft. It's okay though, he looks cute when he's mad because it just feels like a kid having a tantrum.
Today's lesson takes place at my house. I love the feeling of having him over because the house doesn't feel so empty since it's only me and Nara who lives in it (the maids and other workers live in the other wing, so we never see them around). He doesn't like it though because he knows I'd ask him to stay over every single time.
"North, if you keep on asking me to stay over every other day, why don't you just ask me to move in, huh? It's annoying you know, you already know my answer will be no except on the days when the weather is actually bad or it gets too late for me to go home." Night said jokingly.
That's... actually... not a bad idea... I'd love to see him first thing in the morning and the last one I see before I go to bed.
"Do you?"
"Do I what?"
"Do you wanna move in with me?"
"North, we're not a thing"
"Yet. Plus, it would be much more convenient if you think of it. First, Ongsa doesn't have to hold the responsibility of having to worry about her little brother anymore because your parents don't live in the city. Second, you'll be much safer here since you'll never be home alone, my housemaids will always be around. Third, you'll have your own personal driver to drive you everywhere, me. But if you don't like that then I'll just ask my driver to take you wherever you need to go. Fourth, you can go straight to bed if we studied until late at night without needing to go back home. Fifth, the house is too empty with just Nara and I. Having you here will make it less lonely."
I couldn't read Night's face nor understand his reaction after I finished saying all those things. I've actually planned it a little while ago because he already stayed over multiple times already over the past few weeks. He just looked at me weirdly, his eyebrows all scrunched up, his mouth shaped like an O, and not a single word came out of his mouth. It was pure silence for a little while before he exhaled and shouted—
"Are we married or something? Meung je bao! (You're crazy as hell!) Who do you think you are? Why did you say all those things so surely as if it wasn't a big deal? Only people that are close to each other live together, North."
"And we aren't?"
"We are, but we're just friends."
"Are we?"
Night didn't reply.
"What kind of friends say good night before bed?" I said referring to the song lyrics of Just Being Friendly by Tilly Birds.
Night was silent for a little while. He exhaled while looking around, a habit he does when he's thinking or trying to avoid eye contact.
"What are we, North?" he asked.
I... don't know. What do you want us to be, Night? I want to be the first person you see when you wake up and the last one you see before you go to bed. I want to go stargazing with you and listen to you explain about all the constellations and stars in the sky. I want to listen to you sing everyday because it sounds like heaven in my ears. Is it too much to ask for you to be mine, Night?
I stepped closer to him. So close that I could feel his breath brushing over my neck. I looked deeply into his eyes before taking a deep breath.
"Right now, we may not be a thing yet. But you, I reserve. Could you give me one month to win over your heart? If you don't want that, I'll step back." I said.
Usually, I could easily make eye contact with anyone because they'll be the first one to break. Maybe I'm just that hot. Kidding. But... somehow, looking at Night's eyes is as hard as a rock. I don't know why I'm not immune to it, but they seem like they hold the whole universe and shines like whatever stars there are in the sky.
"What happens after a month?" he asked.
"I'll ask you to be my boyfriend." I replied.
"And if I say no?"
"Then, I'll ask you to give me another month so I could keep on trying until you say yes."
Night's ears and cheeks turned red. I took his hand and placed it on my chest so he could feel my heartbeat.
"My heart has never beaten this fast for anyone."
We stayed in that moment for a few seconds before I finally broke off the eye contact. This boy is my strongest soldier, how did he manage to hold it that long?
"Okay." he said.
"One month. But I have to ask my sister first."
"She's your best friend, and if she doesn't give us her blessing, it won't work out."
(In Thailand, people often get blessings from their family members)
Suddenly, Night's phone rang. I looked down to see who it was. Ongsa.
Night answered the call and put it on speaker.
"Alai? (What?)"
"Nong sao, you nai? (where are you?) It's 7p.m. already!" Ongsa sounded worried so I snatched the phone from Night's hand.
"Night's safe with me, we're at my house right now. Do you wanna come here too? I can ask my driver to pick you up" I said, making everything clear to put Ongsa's worry at ease.
"Ai North, why didn't you tell me? I was worried sick!"
"Sorry we got too carried away. Come here, there's plenty of food that we didn't finish earlier at dinner. We can go to school together tomorrow."
"Fine. I'm hungry and there's no food at home, pick me up in 30" she said in a sulky tone as she hung up the phone afterwards. I laughed and told Night "Your sister's just like you in terms of getting mad easily" we chuckled. I paused for a while before saying
"—First, I'll win over your sister's heart. Then I'll win over your parents' so they can hand me their youngest child."
Night gave me his sweet smile before looking away because of his shyness. Stay strong, North. You can do this. Night, I can't wait to call you mine.
Ongsa have finally arrived and entered with the house key that I gave a long time ago incase something were to happen because she's the only person I trust in my life. Night may be next.
We both often stayed over at each other's house, so Ongsa came straight to the guest room she always stays in and placed her bag before heading downstairs to the kitchen that's right beside the living room where Night and I was.
"Hey, je" I greeted her.
"Where's the food?" she asked.
"No hi back?"
"I'm hungry"
I shook my head and pointed at the fridge.
My focus went back to Night. He already looked tired and started yawning like a little cat.
"You go ahead, it's past your bedtime. I'm gonna talk to your sister for a bit." I said.
He gave the cutest angry expression because I said it was his bedtime. He has a good sleeping schedule and always sleeps before 9. He went upstairs as Ongsa walked to the living room while eating the bread in her hand.

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